Ashley's Story

She will leave fingerprints all over your heart


Its About...

Grace...Mercy...Sacrifice...Forgiveness....Resurrection...Eternity... and Hope

Ashley Kate may never run across a field as she races to find Easter Eggs and discover the hidden surprises inside, but she will experience...

His grace in her life.

How it feels to be a recipient of His mercy.

The peace that overwhelms while standing underneath the shadow of His sacrifice.


A full understanding of His resurrection the moment she enters into Heaven.

Eternal life with Jesus.

And because of each one of these she will live with HOPE.

I wish you all a very blessed Easter. I pray you are surrounded by friends and family, and that in your lives you know the HOPE that broke down all barriers between a Holy God and a sinful world the very moment He walked out of that tomb.

Happy Easter...He is risen!


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