Ashley's Story

She will leave fingerprints all over your heart


Ashley's Gift

To the family of our Ashley's donor tonight I want to tell you how very much you mean to our family. In the midst of your grief you gave the most unselfish gift to a little girl who so desperatly wanted a chance to live. My heart aches for your loss and I am grieving your loss tonight. I am sure you know that it has now been 3 weeks since you gave so unselfishly to our daughter. I will forever remember your child. I will never cease to think of your little one as I kiss my Ashley's little cheek. I will never cease to think of your little one as I rock my sweet girl to sleep. I will never cease to think of your little one as I tuck mine into her bed. I will never cease to thank God for you and ask Him to comfort you as I pray over Ashley each night. I will never be able to express to you how very much you are loved and appreciated for giving the gift of life to a little girl who you don't even know. I am forever changed by your act of kindness. I promise to raise Ashley with the knowledge of the incredible gift that you gave. She will grow up praying for you each night, and loving you from afar. Thank you from the depths of my heart. I will never forget what you have lost. May God comfort your hearts, and may He hold your baby close to His heart, tucked safely in His arms tonight and every night.


At 2:23 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Trish, I know your heart is heavy tonight more so probably because your thoughts turn to little Jeremiah. The very bleak reports that have been given to his family because there is nothing else the doctors can do for him to spare his little life. You are identifying with his mother and that has to be a scary feeling. Every truth you hold in your heart seems to slip away as you think of Jeremy's loss in his fight for life because he is just a baby. It was also a baby that has given Ashley life. Just keep pouring your heart out to the Father~~~cry out to Him because He knows your fears and only He can calm those fears. It is understandable that the gift of life that little Ashley received causes you to feel the donor family's loss to a greater extent now because you have befriended Jeremiah's mommy and you feel the pain she is suffering as you look at her as she stands watch over her little baby. God has you there and He will be your strength, He will be your sustainer and He will continue to be ever near to you~~~~ and to Jeremiah's mommy~~~ don't ever doubt that.

I pray that you and Ashley are able to get some rest tonight so you both will be ready to see that daddy and your other precious daughter, Allie, when they arrive. Hold on to each other and know we are all praying for your precious time together~~~~~

At 8:25 AM , Blogger Troy and Melanie said...

Trish, we too are so thankful for the donor family. I hope that one day God allows you to meet this family. I am sure that your testimony and faith through all of this will be a blessing to the family. We pour our hearts out to them today, praying that the Lord will bless them and watch over them. I know that the precious baby that they lost is in heaven with our Father, and He watches over all His children day or night. Even in such a short life, this child has given another the chance to make such a difference in the lives of all who read her story. How amazing that this story is being used each day to bring people closer to the Father. It is all for His glory even though the pain we feel is sometimes hard to understand. WE love you guys and will be praying for David and Allie to arrive safely to you today. Many many prayers are being sent to the Father on your behalf. I hope and pray that He continues to pour His blessing on your family and all who are touched by Ashley's story.


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