Ashley's Story

She will leave fingerprints all over your heart


Getting Packed And Ready To Go!!

We are having such a great night here in our house with the packing and all. Trish says the high temp in Omaha will be 44!! I guess I am just going to be one cold Texan because around here don't get our winter clothes out of the attic until December. I should be OK, because I don't plan on leaving the Gherkin's room for the next 4 days. We are so excited and I just can't wait to see them. I haven't felt like this since I was a kid trying to go to bed the night before Christmas. Allie is getting excited too. The only draw back for her is that she is going to have to miss part of art class tomorrow and she is really wanting to draw a picture of Iceland and Greenland. I guess these things are pretty important when you are in the third grade, but I sure am glad that she is choosing to visit her mom and her little pickle over the last 15 minutes of art class. We will be flying out of Longview so we will have to fly on one of those planes without and engine as Trish puts it. I sure do hope they wind the rubberbands up enough for us to get to Dallas. If it has two propellers does that mean it has two rubberbands. I sure do hope so. Thank you for those of you who brought gifts for Ashley and Trish. I can't wait for them to open them. Well I had better try to lay down tonight. Santa Clause is coming to town tomorrow!!!


At 10:38 PM , Blogger Troy and Melanie said...

Start counting the hours daddy!! That is if you haven't already. Now try and get some rest tonight so all of you can stay up extra late tomorrow night. We pray for your safe travels, and that you and Allie both get a really nice visit with Trish and Ashley. We will be praying that Blake will get to see his mom and Ashley soon too, Take care of each other while you are their and most of all enjoy your time together!!

At 10:56 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

David, I am so excited for you both to get to go see Trish & Ash. It has to be so hard to be so far away. Praying for safe travel on the rubber band propelled plane....sure there aren't any paper clips in there too? LOL Poor Trish...she is going to love that thought.... Kidding aside..... Praying God will surround you with his angels....landing you safely in Omaha....& I wish I could see Ashley's face when daddy & big sis walk in.....Oh...I bet she lights up. Praying your time together is blessed .... the countdown is on.... (=

At 1:36 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's time for anyone taking a ride in that "flying rubberband" to be sleeping by now because we all know that Santa passes on by if you are not asleep. At least that is what I was always told. The main thing for Trish to remember about that "lil ole plane" you and Ashley will be on is that God is the pilot and we trust Him to get you to Omaha to see and spend some valuable time with your precious baby daughter and your beautiful wife and for Allie to get to play with Ashley and bring a ray of sunshine to her mommy. May God bless your time together and just draw you closer to Him and each other. May seeing you help give little Ashley a big jump in her healing process that having both her parents with her will be just the prescription she needs right now.
Finally, do we need remind you and Trish that we don't want to have to wait the 4 days you are there to get our daily reports even though we know you will have a lot of catching up to do~~~we are "hooked" and we love to get the reports~~ that's why so many of us check 2, 3 and 4 times a day to know what is happening every day in little Ashley's life because we have come to love her and all the family~~~you and Trish have made us feel like family by sharing Ashley's story with us. We feel so honored. Our love and prayers are with you.
Thank you, Lord for this family who is devoted to You and to each other. Pour our Your richest blessings on them. Continue to give them courage and strength to meet each new day. I pray in the precious name of Jesus and give Him the glory~~~Amen.


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