Ashley's Story

She will leave fingerprints all over your heart


Nerves? or Toothe Ache?

Something is up tonight. I am hoping it is just me being nervous about tomorrow's procedure. I just don't feel good tonight, and I can not get sick! I have had tooth ache for a couple of days now and it seems to be getting worse. Now the entire left side of my head is hurting. I have a headache, and ear ache and a sore throat. What is going on? I seem to be a little bit jumpy tonight as well, and poor Dave is catching the brunt of it. I think this is all because of nerves. At least I hope it is. I just can not afford to get sick because it would be too dangerous for Ashley. I know that God knows this and He also knows how bad I am feeling. I am praying that tomorrow all of these "aches " will just be gone.

Ashley has been sleeping all evening long. I am afraid we have our days and nights all mixed up. I know that I should try to keep her awake during the daytime to try and fix this, but I am too tired to stay awake. So unfortunately we have been sleeping all day and playing all night. This has really messed us up. Maybe this is another reason I am just feeling a little under the weather.

I have no idea what time they plan on taking Ash down to specials tomorrow, but as soon as I find out I will post so you all will be aware of when she is in surgery. Remember this should be a simple procedure. So far nothing has turned out simple. I think this is why my nerves are on edge. As hard as I try to stay positive about tomorrow, I am afraid it is really bothering me. My mind is racing with lots and lots of things and I just want to lay down and rest. About the time I go to lay down Ash will be up and ready to go. Oh'well, Dave is on his way here to give me some reinforcement. I am looking forward to sleeping in the bed instead of the recliner. I am also looking forward to some really good adjustments coming my way to help me start to feel a little better. Only 2 more days until he arrives.

I am going to go switch my laundry and then try to sneek into my chair without waking our Gherkin. We really appreciate all of your prayers. If you would please add me and my tooth ache related yuckiness to your list I would so appreciate it. Thanks for checking in on us tonight. God bless.


At 10:52 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

ok...don't want to be the bearer of bad news...your tooth pain might actually beee "nerves"..literally. the last time i had pain in my tooth that made the whole side of my head hurt...and even down my neck....well...i had an abscessed tooth and needed a root canal!! i really hope that' s not the case...but i put mine off till the pain was soo bad i actually threw up in the pooor dentist's chair!!! so you might want to get it checked out sooner...than later!! I hope it's not TOOTH nerves..but just nerves about the surgery...either way your in my prayers. oh...and...the root canal was nothing compared to that awful pain....!!!

At 10:53 PM , Blogger Troy and Melanie said...

Father, we come to You tonight not only asking for Your hands to guide Ashey's surgeons tomorrow, but also for Trish's health. We pray that You would keep her from any sickness, so that she can continue to be with Ashley through her recovery from tomorrows surgery. We pray that You would continue to watch over this family and help them through every decision to come. We pray that You would also watch over David as he is flying to Omaha on Tuesday. You have blessed this family and others in so many ways, and we just pray that Your blessings would continue pouring over them. Help tomorrows surgery to go exactly as planned, and hold Ashley in the palm of Your hands as You lead the srgeons through her surgery. Give Trish peace tomorrow during her surgery, I can't imagine the waiting but just give her the rest and strength she needs for tomorrow. We thank You, Father for another day of memories and blessings with Ashley. We thank You for loving us, and all the blessings You give us all each and every day. In Your Precious Name I Pray, Amen

At 1:10 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Our Gracious Heavenly Father, Thank you for who You are, our Creator, our Comforter, our Lord and King. Thank you for allowing us to come to You with our requests. Right now, Heavenly Father, our prayer is for Trish's health, for her strength and for whatever is causing her so much discomfort to be removed. Oh, Lord, we pray that she does not get down so that her health would be a problem for little Ashley. We just trust You right now to keep Your hand on her so that she can stay with her precious baby. Give her complete rest tonight to help fight off her symptoms, hold on to her, Father, as she so deperately needs to feel Your touch now. I pray also for Ashley as they prepare for her surgery later on today. Give the surgeons wisdom to get that GJ tube exactly where it needs to go so that this problem will finally be resolved. May Your will be done in all things and we give You all the praise, in Your Son's precious name, Amen.

At 6:47 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Heavenly Father....we pray for Dave today....for safe travel, for Trish ...that YOU will help ease the pain in her tooth...or what ever the cause might be.....or that you will lead her to who she might need to see to resolve the pain. LORD we lift up sweet Ashley again for the same surgery....but we earnestly pray that this time ....there will be a sucessful outcome & that she will be able to feed....that the team will win this battle...under your direction Lord. I pray for the medical staff ....that you will guide them in each decision. Thank you father for every blessing that we will see today. You are everything....YOU are faithful....You keep your promises... Your our creator & nothing is impossible for YOU. Thank you in advance for what YOU will do today in the lives of this family....thank you that you died for our sins....thank you that you rose on the third day....thank you that you are in control & we are not. Praise you Jesus....& we place all our worries...doubts ...& fears at your feet & ask that would give us peace about today ...about the road ahead...give this family your peace & comfort that surpasses all understanding.....ease Trish's pain & illness... In JESUS name...Amen


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