Ashley's Story

She will leave fingerprints all over your heart


Apartment Hunting.

I spent some time today looking for an apartment in Omaha. It is much more difficult than I thought it would be. Not so much the calling and asking questions, but the idea that we will be establishing a second household so very far away. Even though I know this is a temporary situation the fact that we are going to live in two seperate homes is just not sitting well with me. The temporary seperation seems more permanent when you are establishing a second place. I just pray that God will help us to find the right apartment that will work perfectly for our needs. I pray that He will be with Trish as she moves into a new place away from the rest of us. I pray that we will need this new apartment for a shorter period of time than we are expecting.

Ash is having a difficult time tonight. She is having withdrawls from the medications she was on while on the vent. Her arm and legs are shaking and thrashing about. Her head just shifts from side to side and she just can't seem to get comfortable or be consoled. Please be in prayer with us that Ashley will have a better day tomorrow than today. Thank you for checking up on Ashley and thank you for praying for her and our family.


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