Ashley's Story

She will leave fingerprints all over your heart


Telling Her Story...

Once again last night I was given the opportunity to share small parts of Ashley's story. I am so honored each time I tell it to someone new because I realize all over again that He chose me to be her mommy. Even though I have lived it with her each day it still gives me goose bumps and warms my heart as I recite it. There is something about saying it out loud that just melts me. The most wonderful part about telling the story of my Ashley is that it allows His story to just flow out of my mouth. Before I even realize it I am telling someone all about who Christ is and what a difference He is making on my heart and in my life through the birth of my youngest daughter. I love to watch as people just look at me as though they have never even heard about the goodness of the Lord. I know without a doubt that my Ashley was born to use her life story to tell His story. How exciting that is to me! It truly is an honor to be her mommy.

There have been so many hard days that have been written into this story of my Ashley. Some of those days I would prefer to not re-live. At times I did not think my heart could carry the heaviness inside of it another day, but I realize that without those times that He brought us through her story would not be what it is. I would not trade one moment of this life we are living with Ashley. It is changing my heart and molding me into the person He wants for me to be. It is not easy as I watch all that Ash must endure, but the joy that comes as she pulls through again and again is unspeakable. Her strength inspires me. Her determination encourages me. Her beauty awes me! She is exactly who He created her to be and she is living her little life to the best of her ability. If only I could share all of her story. There is so much more. From the first day she took a breath to today as she still stuggles to breathe, she is doing what He has asked her to do. If only I could learn from her to be so willing. For my heart to just jump in and give it all I have got. Holding nothing back but using the "zest" that Ash has for living. I told you she inspires me.

I am looking for good things to happen today. I feel encouraged by her spirit and the look in her eyes. She is sweet. She is precious. She is amazing. She is strong. She is determined. She is living and not giving up. I love this tiny one with everything inside of me and I am so happy to have the opportunity to be a part of her story.


At 1:44 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am so glad you take the time to share Ashley's story... it is a true blessing to hear!


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