Ashley's Story

She will leave fingerprints all over your heart


Prayer Request

To all who read Ashley's Story each day I thank you so much. I have come to rely on you and your prayers for strenght. It is such a great feeling to have each of you on our side as we ride this crazy roller coaster. I am so thankful for the love and prayers you give to my daughter. Today I am asking for a specific prayer request. Ashley will have another surgery at 1:00pm today and I ask that wherever you are if you could take a few moments at 1:00 and pray for her. This will be the third attempt at this surgery. The first one was a succesfull surgery however a couple of days following the placement of the GJ-tube she managed to grab in and extract it from her body. The second attemept at placement was unsuccessful and resulted in Ash being in a "very critical" respiratory status. Before the last attempt I felt calm and confident that all would go well and felt it was a relatively minor operation for her. Today I don't have that calm confidence. I am worried for her and although I know it is in God's hands, I cannot help feeling uneasy. I am wishing I could be there with Trish as they take Ashley to surgery. I am feeling a helplessness and uselessness as I am not there to comfort either one of my girls. I try to stop and pray and praise God for all He has done when I start to feel this way. But maybe I don't always succeed. So today I am asking that you help carry Ashley, Trish and I in prayer at 1:00. It is such a comfort to me to know that you guys are so faithfull in lifting us up in prayer. Thank you so much for making yourselves available.



At 10:03 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

May God give you a peace and reassurance that He has this all under control. What a honor it is to travel this journey with your family. It has strengthened my faith beyond measure to read just how much God loves each one of us and takes care of all our needs!

At 11:02 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I wonder how God feels when he hears the masses praying in unison for a tiny and fragile member of his creation? I'm not sure, but I know He loves Ashley and wants to do what is best for her regardless of our faithfulness or lack thereof. Prayer is such a blessing for US - to be reminded to lift each other up and encourage one another and it's a humble honor to be some small part of that. Like Trish posted, God already knows the outcome of this surgery. He already has plans for good for Ashley no matter what. He just graces us to come into His presence and witness it. How awesome. We will definitely be praying!!


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