Ashley's Story

She will leave fingerprints all over your heart


We've Made it Through

Well we have made it through another day here in the PICU and His grace is sufficient. How thankful I am to have my sweet Ashley back in her room and out of the OR. No matter how many times we have been through this there is just nothing natural about letting go of one of your children and watching them being wheeled down the hall to the operating room. I have never felt more helpless in my life than when I watch her disappear down the hall. We made it through this episode in a little over 2 hours, and we are praying for the best results possible. If you had told me 7 weeks ago tonight when she was in transplant that we would be back on the OR 4 more times I would have never believed you. This is not the path I thought we would take, but it is still o.k. We are making it through one day at a time and He is taking care of our Ashley. Tonight I thank Him for the gift of life that He gave to Ashley through our donor's little life, and I am grateful that she has a bowel in which to attempt the placing of the G-j tube. No matter the result of tonight's procedure I know that He has a plan in place and that He is working it in her life.

I stepped out to take a shower a little while ago because I thought Ash would be down for the night. Surprise! she's too tough to stay out for long. When I walked into her room she had managed to wake up, pull out her phentanyl drip( pain medicine), spike a temperature and get a hold of her lines. It never ends with Ashley's antics. If she is awake she is going to give it a go! When Allie was a toddler we used to say that she was "trouble in a bubble". How wrong we were! I am afraid that my Allison was nothing compared to the handful my little Ashley will be. The funny thing is that I am looking forward to all of it. I would rather have my arms full of a beautiful, bundle of trouble then have them longing to hold her. I will take it all with a smile on my lips and a song in my heart. I am looking forward to a life time of "trouble" caused by my tiny gift.

As this day comes to an end I am thanking Him for allowing me to be her mommy. He gave us another day and I know He didn't owe it to us. He just gave it because He loves us and I love Him for that! He brought us through another tough one ,and I know He will be there tomorrow ready to bring us through again and again. I am going to go and help re-tape Ashley's breathing tube. She sure has made a mess of it. Thank you for all of your prayers for our little one. We love you and we appreciate you following along with Ashley and her story. Good night and may He bless you all. Trish


At 11:52 PM , Blogger Troy and Melanie said...

We are so thankful that Ashley us up to her antics again....she likes to keep you on your toes. I am glad to hear that she is feeling well enough to give the nurses trouble. We will be praying that the surgery worked, and that you both can get a good night's rest. Enjoy her little games she so loves to play, much love and prayers.

At 7:33 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Praying for a day of joy and blessings from our Heavenly Father! Thinking of Ashley and the whole family today.

At 8:06 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh precious Father...thank you for your faithfulness. Thank you for holding Trish's hand during the many of us would have been honored to do had geography not been an issue...thank you for protecting Ashley....thank you for her awnry personality shining beyond anesthesia post surgery. Thank you for what you can allow to happen with the G-J tube...for it to go down where it should be this week & allow her body to absorb nutrition....thank you ahead of time that TPN will soon not be needed. Whoo Hoo! You are an awesome ....AWESOME GOD....worthy of our praise....all glory & honor is given to you for every aspect of what we can do & what we have in our lives. I ask you that each morning ...we will let you take over our day...that we will give it to you ....(we surely mess things up when we try to navigate an agenda....without you...I am thankful we can let you lead...what we say & what we do that it might glorify you). I ask that you would continue to heal this precious child & that your will ...will be done in her life & the lives of her sweet family members. YOUR outcome...will far surpass anything we could every pray for ...we don't want to predict it because YOU already know what wonderful things are to come..& we praise YOU & thank you before they even happen.... amen. (Sending sweet kisses for Ashley today...& hugs for you Trish...) Did you get them? Not quite the same via e mail...huh? Hope your day is filled with blessings from the master & antics from a certain little angel in your midst.


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