Ashley's Story

She will leave fingerprints all over your heart


She is out....but who won?

Round 3 of the GJ-tube is over but who won? As most of you know this is the third try to place the GJ-tube in Ashley. The doctor won round one with a successful placement. However, Ash pulled it out 2 days later. Round one was pre-transplant. In round 2 The Gherkin won as the doctor was unable to navigate her anatomy to place the tube, this was done post transplant. Today's sugery was round 3 and the winner is............well, we are not sure. The doctor is claiming a victory but said the next few days may reveal otherwise. It seems that her anatomy is difficult to manage since the transplant. He thinks he got it partially in place however the expects one of two things to happen in the next few day. The more preferable outcome would be that the portion of the tube that goes into the intestine will make its way farther downstream over the next couple of day. The less preferable outcome which is equally plausible would be for the portion of the tube that goes into the intestine to make its way back upstream and into the stomach. If this happens it would defeat the purpose of todays operation. So the outcome of round three remains to be determined. The doctor said Ashley is sure full of something, not really spunk, but maybe Pazzaz. He says she is a real firecracker that gives them a run for their money. He said he lost sleep last night trying to figure out how to do todays surgery. Please be with us in prayer that over the next couple of days the J portion of the tube will make its way into the intestine and not back up into the stomach. If it goes into the stomach Ash would most likely end up with the vomitting issues again. Lord tonight, even right now I pray that the jejunal portion of the tube would be making its way farther down into the jejunum. Thank you to each of you who are praying for Ashley. Let's pray that time will show today's operation a success.


At 7:59 PM , Blogger Troy and Melanie said...

We have been praying for your little gherkin all day. I hope that the doctors have round 3 and that she recovers from her latest boo-boos without incident. I know that God is watching over her, and we will be praying that he keeps his protective hands over her. We will be praying for You and Trish too, I know how hard it must be to be so far apart when you so badly want to be there for your little girl and each other. Well, it is time to get Tj rounded up for bed so I will close for now, but know we are still praying!

By the way, we are so thankful that you and Blake arrived home did you find those giant ziploc bags you were looking for??? I am just dying to know they sell huge ones at wal-mart now!! haha

Much love and prayers

At 8:14 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wherever two or more are gathered in HIS name.... We will be praying. (= I pray that she can accept & absorb nutrition without vomiting ....that her body will grow ....heal....& that she will get closer to home each day. Praying this surgery will have been successful to accomplish these things...In JESUS name. Amen. (=

At 8:37 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am definitely agreeing with many, many others that today's surgery was a success in the name of Jesus! We claim healing and nutrition for Ashley from this day forward in His name, the name above all others. We know His love for her and the whole family and pray another miracle has occurred this afternoon! Love, Hugs, and prayers. Grandma

At 9:10 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am praying, believing that the G-jtube will find it's way down. I'm certainly glad Ashley came thru ok with anesthesia ~ she's such a trooper with the most amazing Heavenly Father!

At 9:40 PM , Blogger Mayhem And Miracles said...

Heavenly Father, I just pray tonight that you continue this surgery you started and if it be Your will, help the G-J tube to move down into the intestine so Ashley can begin to feed regularly. In Jesus name. Amen

At 10:06 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

You know, the cool thing is that when the doctor wins this round, Ashley will come out ahead! Her little tummy hasn't yet decided what to think of all that poking and prodding! "And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose." Ro 8:28 Lord, also let all of Ashley's new parts work together for good, in Jesus name.


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