Ashley's Story

She will leave fingerprints all over your heart


Good news...Bad news

It seems like things are never always good and never always bad. I guess I am thankful for that balance in our lives. Concerning my children I wish that all things could be good, but what kind of lessons would they learn? Today has been a day with a little good news, followed by a little bad, a little good, a little bad. So lets start with some good news:

Ashley looks great today. She is happy and playful. She has rested well this afternoon.

A little bad:

Ash has had to be poked with needles, cathed, and sampled through out the day because of the spike in her fever last night. They are trying to grow something to show them why she has been so sick the past 10 days, but so far no answers.

A little (BIG) good news:

The plan is to take Ashley off of the ventilator tomorrow and allow her to breathe on her own. Yeah! I am so excited for her. I know she will feel so much better without it down her throat.

A little (BIG) bad news:

On her x-rays today we found out that the J portion of her tube did not migrate down farther into her intestine, but instead it coiled and turned upside down as it made its way up into her stomach. Yuck! Yesterdays surgery was a bust. I tried not to be rude to her Dr. as I let him know that unfortunately," Ashley had kicked his butt in this round" even though I know how hard he tried. We all laughed at that during rounds. I hope that was not too rude to type to all of you. Please forgive me if I offend you. They plan to try and attempt a feeding into her stomach anyway in the next day or two and see what happens.

All in all I feel we have come out even in the news department for today. Ash is now awake and ready to play for the evening. I am looking forward to the progress we plan to make tomorrow. Tonight we hope we are allowed to just coast along with no surprise visits from the lab crew. They always bring needles with them. Ash has learned that she does not like this group of people very well. Thank you for your love and prayers today. We would not be making it if you weren't carrying us along. Each one of you are a blessing and a bunch of good news to us as we hear from you. God bless. Trish


At 5:27 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear the surgery was not a success. Praying that God will heal her & that more surgery can be avoided if it is HIS will to do so. Today I was driving home & Casting Crowns song "I will praise HIM in this storm" was on KVNE. It was very dark...grey, & cloudy outside. However, in the distance down the road.... beyond the line of clouds .....I could see the most beautiful rays of sunshine cascading down from the clouds. It was gorgeous. I thought of your I listened to the song & admired God's beautiful artwork in the distance. Couldn't help but think that there will be brighter days for your family as this storm clears....that all the trials will soon be part of a wonderful testimony to God. That sweet Ashley will grow to be this amazing....strong young woman ...with such a history of what GOD can do. Praying for you guys. Much love ....

At 5:39 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

It breaks my heart thinking of them coming and and "poking" our little Gherkin with needles. It's not so bad when it's necessary, but it just doesn't seem like that's always the case. I'm thankful for all the good things that happens every day, though and know that God is still in control and on His throne showering out the blessings. I'm praying with everything in me that Ash will begin to eat by mouth and that all will be digested and absorbed as it should be. I'm believing that the tube not staying placed may be a sign that God is just saying, "It's time for her to eat and grow normally now. We'll just bypass the tube feeding stage and progress another way." I pray that is the case. Father, in the precious name of Jesus I ask that you surround Trish and Ashley with your love even right this minute and help little Ash to get back to normal really soon. I pray for miracles both big and small in her life! I pray as you use Ashley to touch the lives of so many that you will continue to give her extra strength to handle whatever comes her way and that you'll make sure that Trish feels your presence at all times. I thank you for all you're doing in their lives and in the lives of all who are a part of Ashley's story. I pray for David, Blake and Allie while Trish and Ash are so far away and for Nan to have the strength to do the many jobs she is called to do. Thank you so much, Lord for handling all our trials and cares for us when we call on your name. And, I pray dear God that we will all look inside ourselves more and look to you more to increase our faith; that we will depend on you more and not try to do things on our own. You are strong when we are weak; I pray dear Lord that we recognize that and call out to you more and more. Thank you for listening and for answering our prayers, in the name of Jesus I pray. Trish, please know that I love you and Ash very much and you're constantly in my heart and in my prayers. Love and Hugs, Grandma

At 7:14 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

God is so good! He enables you to share the good news and the bad and to still be thankful ~ what a wonderful gift! I am sorry that the surgery did not go as planned... but I am still praying for the "bigger plan" that is most important. Those of us who keep up with Ashley love your family and we are with you in spirit no matter what you face. Hope you and Ash get all the rest you need tonight.

At 11:01 PM , Blogger Troy and Melanie said...

I am so dissappointed that the surgery didn't take, but I know there is a reason....God always has a plan. Just know we are all praying and thankful for all good news no matter how big or small. We brought David your perfect ornament today, he promises that you are going to love it!! He may have already told you all about it, or maybe he is keeping it a suprise. We thank God for another day with Ashley. I can't believe Thanksgiving is right around the corner!! I know you are excited to see David again next week. Take care, and hope tomorrow is full of promising news. We will be praying for night of rest for the both of you. Much love and prayers.


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