Ashley's Story

She will leave fingerprints all over your heart


Conversations with home

I just got off the phone with my Blake and my Allison. They were both already tucked into bed. How tired and sleepy they sounded as we talked. Allie was sad, but refused to tell my why because she said she didn't want to make me sad. She misses us, and her little heart is hurting because of it. I told her it would only be 10 more days until she came to visit and she replied, "That is way too long to wait." I am looking forward to spending some wonderful time together with that little lady. I hope to bake cookies, build gingerbread houses, make some jewelry, decorate our Christmas tree, take her shopping, and so much more. My list is growing and growing. I am counting the days until I can brush her hair and lay next to her in the bed drawing pictures on her back with my fingers. I miss her so very much.

Blake told me how hard he is trying to do things with Allie so that she will not think about missing me and Ashley. He is very grown up and carries this burden so well. I look forward to hanging out with them. As we talked I began to smile as I realized the responsibility he feels towards protecting the girls. He knows that God has placed him in a very important place in our family. Not only is he the oldest child, but God gave him 2 sisters to take care of. We have talked many, many times about how much God must trust him to allow him to watch over Allie and Ashley. Tonight Dave shared with me a precious conversation he had with Blake before going to bed. They were washing their hands at the sink and they were using one of the bottles of soap that I bought from Bath and Body Works before I left home. As Blake rubbed the soap on his hands he asked his dad if he could just go to bed without rinsing it off. Dave said, "Why would you want to do that?" and Blake replied, "It just smells like my mom, and I don't want to wash it off yet." My eyes filled with tears when he told me. My son misses me and wants to feel close to me. My heart broke for the lonliness he must feel at this time in his life, but it also smiled that he would want to "smell" me as he drifted off to sleep. This is a memory that I will treasure for my lifetime!

I am blessed. Blessed beyond anything I could have ever asked for or imagined. I have a son who loves me and misses me. I have a daughter who is so concerned about my feelings that she holds on to hers and fights back her tears. I have a baby who depends on me to help her make it home to be reunited with her big brother and big sister. I have a husband who although he is tired manages to hold us all together, and I have a Father in Heaven who is with me every step of the way. He is loving us, protecting us, taking care of us, providing for us, and forgiving us. Tonight as I lay on the bed singing songs about snowflakes to my Ashley and watching them turn above our heads I am reminded that this life I have been given is a good one. It is one that I would never want to trade. I love to call home and have night time conversations with my family. It makes me thankful and it makes me count the blessings He has bestowed on me.


At 10:29 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't get it. It is so ODD for us not to have snow yet. It will probably BLIZZARD between now and new years. I just hope you guys get a good snow so Blake can go sledding at the park! I guess we'll just have to wait and see!

At 10:54 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can appreciate how much you enjoy talking to Allie and Blake on the phone especially since you are so far away from them. I just got off the phone, after about an hour and a half, with my oldest daughter. She lives in Broken Arrow, OK. Sometimes we chat every couple of days but then we have the times we just talk about all sorts of things. I love those times. All this to say, it doesn't matter how young they are or how old our daughters and sons get, we will always look forward to the time we can spend talking with them on the phone when we are far away from each other. By the way, my dauther is 47.

I'm sorry Allie is so sad right now but I know all that will change when your family is reunited. My heart just smiled that Blake didn't want to wash "mom's smell" off. How very special that had to make you feel.

I know you and Ashley are enjoying the snowflakes you made. I really hope you get to see real snowflakes when the kids get there. I know that would be a fun time for all of you.

Just know prayers continue to go up for continued healing and for God's strength and comfort. Thank you again for keeping us updated and for sharing Ashley's Story with us.

At 11:50 PM , Blogger Troy and Melanie said...

What a sweet son you have!! That brought tears to my eyes. God has truly blessed your are all knitted together, and know just what the others need. Blake is such a great big brother to try and take Allie's mind off of everything that is going on right now. I am so thankful that you all will get to see each other soon. I am sure that it seems like forever away now, but I hope that the time flies by until you are together again and that the time you have together passes slowly and filled with many precious moments. Our prayers and praises continue to Father for little Ashley. I am so glad that He has brought her back to you once again. I pray that when she starts her feedings again that she is able to tolerate them. Everything is like a big waiting game, I know you don't need the reminder, but here is one anyways, just remember His timing is perfect!! Much love and prayers!

At 7:56 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I didn't get to read everything yesterday & have been catching up. Oh....tears are falling ...thinking of the mom that cried out in the final hours of her son's life. Oh... I will also pray for this family who has paid such a huge price...
As I continued to read...I got teary eyed thinking of your sweet children here too...I am so excited for you guys that you will have this precious close time together at Christmas. I hope you have the opportunity to make wonderful memories & fill each of you last till the next time your together. How long & hard this road is to be apart....but your doing such a wonderful job. Little Ash ...Allie....& Blake have fabulous appointed parents ....hand picked by our creator. (= Have a fantastic day & I hope HIS blessings rain down on you guys today ..... & praying for REST for Ash & you.

At 8:52 AM , Blogger Sarah said...

You continue to be such a blessing--the way you cherish each of your children reminds me not to take for granted the little things that happen each day around our home.

I'm praying you're home soon, so you can be reunited for good with your sweet family:)


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