Ashley's Story

She will leave fingerprints all over your heart



I just made it back to the hospital after taking Trish and the kids to our new apartment. It was the first time I saw it and although it is not home it is so much more comfortable than the PICU. I can't wait to move Ashley there. I am encouraged by Ash today. She really didn't make much progress on the vent today, however as I look at her I can see she still has a fight in her. I continue to pray that she could be off the vent by Christmas. If it is in God's will, it will be done. I find myself counting my blessings once again tonight. I just read some comments on another blog about someone feeling sorry for us and all we are going through. I don't want anyone to feel sorry for us, we have been blessed beyond measure. God has given us a wonderful family and we know He sustains us each and every day. I pray that when people read Ashley's Story they will not feel sorry for her or for us, but rather feel inspired to be a better child of God. We pray that God could use Ashley's Story to inspire us each to be better. I know that is what it has done for each one of us.
Thank You for your faithfulness to Ashley and our family. People sometimes tell us they wish the could do more than "just pray." We value those prayers more than anything else that could be done for us. It is not "just praying," it is talking to the Creator of all things in your own words about how much we all love Ashley. So thank you, thank you for lifting our Gherkin to the Father.


At 10:39 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Glad you are all together in Omaha for Christmas. I am still praying. God is awesome and we are ALL so blessed to have such a loving and forgiving FATHER! May you and Trish have HIS peace and may Allie and Blake feel that too. Christmas blessings! God Bless You ALL and good night.

At 12:02 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dave ...give the Gherkin a kiss for us. (= I am thankful Trish gets some needed time away to spend with her precious Allie & Blake..... to cuddle & love on them...& give them some "mommy time"....I thank God that you guys have this time together. Continued prayers for Ash....(that is a given).... Hang in there.... check on you guys in the morning.

At 6:40 AM , Blogger Connie said...

Rev. 5:8 "...the four living creatures and the twenty-four elders fell down before the Lamb. Each one had a harp and they were holding golden bowls full of incense which are the prayers of the saints." !

I agree with you, that prayer is the most precious thing we can --do for Ashley! God treasures our prayers too--amazing. Let's fill heaven with incense on Ashley's behalf. ;)


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