Ashley's Story

She will leave fingerprints all over your heart



Things have really been moving in our room today. After rounds this morning I spent a while trying to make my head stop spinning. I looked at my sweet Ashley and admired the work He has and is doing in this miracle child of mine. She amazes me with the strength she shows even on the toughest of days. I laid my head on her pillow and whispered my prayers to the Father so that she might hear me praying for her. I hope she can hear me.

We have successfully placed an art line in her femoral artery and we are now able to monitor her blood pressure and blood gases more closely. We are beginning to see improvements in her blood pressure and have been able to wean the dopemine down from 12 to 8. How thankful I am to know that He is always listening to the prayers of His children. Only God is capable of making such changes in Ashley's current state. As I type they are in her room scoping her new bowel. We are praying for a good, healthy biopsy that will show us no signs of rejection. I can't wait to get those "beautiful" pictures. I am counting on that.

Dave and I have decided to fly Blake and Allison out with him tonight. I pray we are making the right decision. We think they need to be with us as we share with them the place that Ash is in at this point. I want to be the one to reassure them that God in complete control of Ashley's life and that He loves her. They are better when we can tackle these things together as a family unit. We need a couple of days to spend together praying for our Ashley and for our family. Please pray that He will give us the right words to explain what is happening. I do not want them to be frightened, and I feel as though this is the best way to keep them from wondering where and why dad disappeared again. I pray He gives them strength.

I have to go. I will post in a moment.


At 4:11 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

praying God will speak through you to blake and allie...knowing HIS strength will be yours!! confident in HIS grace and mercy to be given to you and dave....and also to blake and help them cope with this unsure time..and with seeing Ash so sick and weak....i know your family will grow tighter by this time spent together in prayer for Ashley...and i know she hears you ...and feels you...and will also be strengthened and comforted in knowing your all together to support her!! ferverently praying....

At 4:22 PM , Blogger Lee said...

Trish and Dave,
We're praying for you guys. God WILL give you the correct words for Blake and Allie. Praying for God's continue hand of protection over sweet Ashley and His direction for the doctors.

Bob and Lee


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