Ashley's Story

She will leave fingerprints all over your heart


Taking the Time to Pray

So many times in my life I have been guilty of telling someone that I would pray for them and then allowing them to slip my mind or disappear off of my prayer list. My intent was sincere, and my heart was pure when I told them I would, but life gets busy and things get in the way.

Since Ashley's birth, David and I both have learned just how valuable it is to pray for someone. It has literally transformed our lives. The prayers of the people who learn of Ashley's story have made such a difference in the way it has played out. Prayer is a gift. It is an honor to be asked to pray for someone. It is rewarding to be allowed to go to the One who created it all and talk to Him as a friend.

Tonight I am comforted by the progress I see in Ashley this week. My heart is resting well when I lay down to sleep and I feel at peace. I am not naive in thinking that all trouble is behind us. Ashley has NO immune system, therefore she is at great risk of catching anything that comes across our path, but I still feel encouraged. He is working in her life.

I would like to ask you all to pray for some very precious children. They are our transplant friends, and they are struggling at this point in their recoveries. I love these little girls not because I know them well or because I am close friends of their families, but because we are forever connected because of the time spent here together in the ICU. Kiley and Chloe are just as beautiful as my Ashley. They are loved by mommies just as Ashley is loved by hers. The road to recovery is very long and sometimes it is scary and painful. I don't know all of the details to their stories and I won't share the ones I do know out of respect for their families, but they need our prayers. They too were created by the same loving Father who created our Ashley Kate. They too have a plan and a purpose that He has laid out for them. He loves them, so I love them. Please add their names to your prayer lists this week. You will be making a difference in the life of not one little girl but three.

Thank you for loving Him enough to love others. It means more to us than you will ever know. Your prayers that you lift up to our Father are being heard and He is faithfully answering each one of them. Your time is not in vain. You will become stronger in your faith, and He will begin to "show you great and mighty things thou knowest not." We love you and are thanking Him for sending you to Ashley's Story. Good night and God Bless.


At 11:45 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

i can see how you all would become a support system for eachother. how wonderful it is that you have such a heart for the Lord that you can share with them!! that is an irreplacable witness...what a joy to be in such a service!! God is soo good!! and i'm very glad to hear Ashley is returning to her joyful self!! Wonderful blessings all around...Merry Christmas!!..still praying....

At 6:59 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I continue to pray for your dear family, all the other children at the PICU, and especially beautiful Ashley.


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