Ashley's Story

She will leave fingerprints all over your heart


Awake and Fighting

My sweet Ashley Kate is awake and fighting every step of the way. She has not slept for more than an hour at a time since the anesthesia wore off yesterday afternoon. Her eyes are now open and she continues to shake her head "no, no" when they touch her. They are struggling to find some type of drug combination that would make her rest. She kicks her little bunnies at them, she waves her arms. She is moving her entire body. I am so sad to know that she is uncomfortable and in pain, but my heart is singing because I can see that she is there. She is a fighter. She is going to come back from this. I think if we could make progress on the vent settings and get them down to allow her to do more breathing on her own then she would be much more comfortable.

There are many, many unknowns as a result of the cardiac arrest. No one knows how long her heart stopped or if there was a loss of oxygen to her brain. Her stoma(the part of the intestine that comes out of her abdomen and into her ostomy bag) had turned a very pale pink after the episode. We do not know if she suffered a lack of oxygen to the new organs. Only time will tell us if there was damage done. All of these things are out of my control so I am trying not to concentrate on any of them. My heart tells me that she will be fine. She responds to my voice. She opens her eyes when I talk to her. She shakes her head no in response to my questions. The coming days and weeks will hold the answers to the unknown, but for today I am thankful that she has it in her to be strong, and stubborn.

My prayer for her today is that she might find some peace and rest from her discomfort. I pray that she will dream of happy wonderful things. I pray that she will soon breathe on her own. I pray that she will hear me say, "I love you". I pray that my sweet Ashley Kate will come back from this event and be stronger because of it.

Thank you for your prayers for her today. I don't know what tests or procedures she must endure today, but your prayers would be so appreciated for this tiny baby gherkin who is a survivor. Someday she will learn of all the wonderful people who carried her burden for her so that she might rest. You all are more valuable to us than you will ever know and our hearts are humbled by any moment you spend in prayer for our family. Thank you. Love, Trish


At 8:22 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Praying for your and Ashley's comfort today and the days ahead. Knowing that HE has great plans for Ashley and that one day she WILL fulfill them. Praying that you both get some rest and they find a med that would give Ash some peace. Praying for your strength. You are such a blessing. Thank you for sharing Ash's story with us. Praying for y'all always!
God is with you. Hugs to you and your sweet Ashley Kate.

At 8:26 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Praying for the medical staff to come up with a plan that will help Ashley rest better today so that her tiny little body can start to recover from all that she has been through. We pray your faith will continue to stay you are such a testimony to so many. What a blessing to see just how we are all suppose to trust Him for everything. You are the best example I have ever seen. May God Bless You and Yours today!

At 8:27 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

we'll be praying for Ashley today for comfort and, if there be any procedures, for clear and positive outcomes from their being done.

At 8:30 AM , Blogger Randi said...

my prayers are continuing for you, your dear girl and the rest of your family...

At 8:52 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am praying for both Ahsley and your comfort today and you continue to fight this battle. May God wrap His loving arms around you both and give you the comfort you need to see this through. From one mother's heart to another, I'm sending you my strength.

At 9:45 AM , Blogger Susanne said...

Linked from Kelli's site. Praying for your sweet girl and your family.

At 10:00 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Praying for comfort for Sweet Baby Ashley and for Trish, Dave and the kids.

At 11:33 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

The ONLY way you are getting through these moments is strength from God. There is no humanly way to understand this, Trish. I'm glad you feel everyone's prayers. I wish I could be there to hug you, just like we hugged in the bathroom at OHBC when we were praying about God's guidance in adopting little Ashley. It's been a long, long road, but the outcome will be joyous and above all....His plan. Love you.


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