Ashley's Story

She will leave fingerprints all over your heart


Holding on to a Miracle

That's what I do. Every day for the past 20 months I have held her in my arms. I can touch her. I can see her. I can smell her. I can love her. What an amazing thing it is to know that He has given us a miracle to call our own. She truly is a miracle. Nothing that we have done has made her miraculous. Nothing that she has done has made her miraculous. It is all Him. From the moment of her conception He has performed not one, not two, not three, but miracle after miracle in the life of our Ashley. Her life, each breath that she takes, each scar that she wears, each obstacle that she overcomes all cry out that He is doing miraculous works in her. I don't know why He chose me to be the one to hold on to this little miracle, but I am forever humbled to have this opportunity.

He could have easily done miracles in Ashley's life without us, but He allows us to be a part of them. He allows so many to be a part of her miracles. I love that we all have had a front row seat to witness His work in her life. I love that He has brought you to her story. I love that you have allowed yourself to love and to pray for our little one. I love that our miracle baby is not only ours, but that she is yours too. Your prayers to the Father on her behalf are heard. They are listened to. They are a part of her story and a part of the miracles He has done and is doing in her life.

Today as I rocked my little one I realized that I was holding on to a miracle. A real miracle. A miracle that cries out," He is good. He is God. He is in control. He cares. He hears. He listens. He loves." Even if He chose to take her from me tomorrow He has still performed nothing short of a miracle in her life that has changed mine. I am a believer in His ability to do, to give, to share miracles because of my Ashley Kate. Oh, how my heart has changed.

As I look forward to tomorow and her second Easter I tremble with the knowledge of who He is, what He gave, the sacrifice He endured, and the love that He still has for me and for my sweet Ashley Kate. I pray you all have a blessed Easter and that you are able to see, to know, and to experience who Jesus is and what His life, death, and resurrection mean for all of us. You are loved. You are appreciated. You are a part of the miracles He is doing in a little pickles life. Thank you and Happy Easter. Trish


At 12:40 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

May you have a glorious Easter celebration. A celebration with the whole family being together, for being back in Longview and because our God is an awesome God. May He continue to use little Ashley and all of you to spread His Word and His love to all you meet. We are all happy to travel this road along side of you and tell others of the miracles God still performs today because He is Alive!! May the true meaning of Easter be spread around the world.

Much love to all of you~~~~and prayers still going up.

At 2:01 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good morning Trish,
I want you to know how much I missed you and Dave and the kids today. We did our usual egg hunt and lots of eating, but it is never the same when we are not all together. I pray Ash will continue to be strong just like her mommy. I have no doubt God continues to work miracles in her life and I see the joy it gives to all of you and us as well. I hope tomorrow you will have a wonderful Easter and know we all miss you very much. Give the pickle a little hug from Aunt Toad and give the others a BIG hug from me too. I love you guys so much.

Sweet Dreams!!!!

At 5:19 PM , Blogger Paige said...

Praying you have all had a blessed Easter! It is so cold here in the south. Hope you are having nicer weather in Texas. We are still praying for many wonderful things in Ashley's life. Love and hugs!

At 10:15 PM , Blogger TheRagan3 said...

I'm constantly reminded of the truth that God is good all the time and all the time God is good. It might be hard to see that in the middle of our struggles and heartache but HE sees those struggles and heartaches and cares about each one.
I've been in the place where I had to rely on HIS goodness (well, really that is every day!) and I'm with you in spirit!
Hope that you have had a blessed Easter!


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