Ashley's Story

She will leave fingerprints all over your heart


Kindred Spirits

Last night I laid my head down to pray. To pray for my sweet Ashley who was struggling so very much. As I began to pray for her my prayers shifted toward another little one and then again toward another. This seems to be my nightly ritual. I begin praying for one, then the other, then the other. They almost seem to be connected in my mind and in my prayer life. Eventually I drifted off to sleep with not one but all three on my heart.

I struggled for many, many months with the idea of putting my Ashley's story and my heart into the form of a journal. A journal to keep our friends and family updated on Ash's progress. A journal to record the many things God was doing in her life. A journal to share with her one day when she was old enough to understand. A journal to pour my heart and my tears into. As I look back over the entries I am amazed at how God has used this journal to minister to my own heart. It has done so much more for me than I believe it has done for anyone else. One of the things that it has done is connected me to others whom I would have never known without it. Just a tool He used in my life to open up my heart to some very special people. Two of them being what I like to think of as my Ashley's "kindred spirits".

A day rarely goes by that I don't think of these little girls. Each with their own, very unique set of struggles. Each with their own families. Each with their own amazing mommies. It is through this journal and theirs that I have been able to keep up with them and I am so blessed to have had my heart opened to them.

This morning as I was waking up I had some of the most beautiful thoughts. As I prayed for my Ashley's organs I realized that there would come a day that her little body would be made perfect and whole. The fear of rejection and the fight with cancer would disappear. She would walik, she would run, she would play and I would no longer worry. Her friend Addie 's heart would be strong and her body would grow. Her sweet friend Ivey would overcome all of the obstacles she faces and she would be given eyes to see her Creator. My heart giggled as I pictured the three of them playing together competely made whole. Just a gift He gave me this morning.

The three girls may never meet this side of heaven, but I know in my heart that they have "kindred spirits". I love to celebrate from a distance all of the milestones, miracles, and moments that they have each and every day. I know that their mommies like myself would not trade places with any one else for anything in the world. It is the struggles, the trimphs, the determination, the spirit and the will to just be little girls that have taught us to be the women we are becoming. Walking beside our girls, rocking them to sleep, holding their hands, and watching them live the life He has given to them has truly been a gift that few have ever received.

To Addison and Ivey, to Sarah and Gwen, Ashley and I wanted to say Thank you for inspiring us on our hard days, for praying for us like you know us, and for allowing us to come along side your journeys to help us on ours. May God bless you and your families.

To all of our readers we want to Thank you as well for staying with us on our good days and bad. We would not be the people we are without you. You will never know the impact your prayers and your support has made. I just wanted to remind you that you are so loved and appreciated by this little pickle and her mom. Take care today and God Bless. Trish


At 5:30 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Still Alabama for all three kindred spirits!

At 5:45 PM , Blogger Paige said...

Trish, we are still praying in North Carolina. It has been my joy to pray for your family these last months. You have all become so familar in our daily conversations here. Thank you for allowing us into your lives. Our hearts and prayers are with you each day. God bless you! Love and hugs!

At 7:52 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's amazing how God places people in our lives and our hearts that we may never meet but that have an incredible impact on us. I, too pray for little Ivey and Addison and have only heard of them through the "blog world", but like Ash, they come to mind and I lift them up to the Father along with several others. A few months ago I was pretty much unaware of the fact that there are so many little ones who are sick and struggling and today I pray for many. Ashley has certainly touched my life in a way that makes me know I will never be the same; through her my prayer life is deeper and stronger and my relationship with my Father is so much more real. I'm so thankful for her and her sweet, strong spirit. Yes, it will definitely be sweet to one day see her run and play and laugh and giggle knowing she will never again have a day of pain or hurt, but until that time I'll continually pray to see healing and great days for her here. What a blessing to have her here to hold and to touch! God is good - All the time! Love and Hugs, Grandma

At 9:09 PM , Blogger Karen said...

What a sweet, sweet post from a sweet, sweet heart! Love, Karen


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