Ashley's Story

She will leave fingerprints all over your heart


Ash is out of surgery and the girls are taking a much needed nap. Trish promised she will post an update after they rest.



At 6:40 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Praying all went well..Hope they both get lots of rest well as you also. Keeping you all close in prayers. God Bless

At 6:41 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you God. Bless and hold them.

At 7:44 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

after reading this whole story of your baby........instead of adopting, especially one with special needs, why didn't you just have more kids yourself? To knowingly adopt a baby with problems and take away your time from your other kids is flat out wrong! Hopefully next time you will evaluate BEFORE you adopt! This is disgusting! And then to try and prolong her life with organs that can go wrong at any minute? I don't get it!

At 7:52 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hope that you just delete the previous comment by anonymous and let it go. They have obiously no understanding or compassion for Ash and her situation. Her life is precious to GOD and you are her precious parents chosen by GOD! Ashley is a perfect example of GOd's love for us as His adopted children. He loves us even more than you love Ashley!

I think that you are special people and that's why GOD brought you into Ashley's life. Ashley needed parents like you and that's why GOD chose you to parent her! We love your and family and honor you for your love and commitment to all your children!

At 7:52 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh--I just came to check on Ashley and can't believe what I am reading! Know you are still in my prayers and I am glad you are able to get a nap. Hopefully, the little pickle will be able to sleep tonight! It breaks my heart to see her in this condition, but at the same time I see God working! Know I love your family and I am so sorry about the awful comment. I will be praying for anonymous as well!

Love to you!


At 8:39 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dave, pleae get rid of that heartless post. I would hate for Trish to see it. I am so glad our sweet little Ashley can not read. That is just a trick of the enemy to try and get our minds off of all the wonderful things he is doing for OUR MUCH DESERVING ASHLEY. I am so glad Jesus loved and cared for me with all of my "spiritual sickness. It is truly a blessing that he transplanted a new heart into this ole carnal one I had. I would still be a sickly person and would not have eternal life and tha is most important. I don't believe that poster knows the Lord the way we do, or they would have never be so cold hearted. They need a transplant of their heart. I will pray for them that they get a new body in Christ. In the meantime, It has been proven over and over that God felt you and Trish were the one to look over and love this precious little lamb. Thanks so much for letting us who have come to love her, share in the good times and the bad times. In THe Good times Praise His name, and in the bad times do the same, In everything we will give the King of King all the thanks.

At 8:41 PM , Blogger Laurie in Ca. said...

Oh, I sure hope they are sleeping like logs right now, catching up on rest so badly needed. I agree with Courtneys comment. The sacrifices you are making for Ashley can only be made by special people with loving hearts, something that one of the commenters here obviously doesn't get. I am praying her surgery was a success and her little body continues to heal quickly. She is such a precious little lovebug and my heart goes out to you Trish. Please know you are loved and thought of all day long and Jesus loves you both so much.
Laurie in Ca.

At 8:50 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Praying that everything went well in the OR. So glad they are both resting right now. I hope they are able to sleep tonight too.

We are praying!

At 9:00 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Please remove that post...I would hate to know that is what Trish wakes up an reads after her nap......I see they still hide behind anonymous.....Keeping you guys close to my heart and in my prayers always.....

At 9:07 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

To don't get it? Well praise God there are people out there who do "get it"! I just sit her thinking that if this family wasn't there for this little girl then who? Praise God this family was handpicked for this little girl and this little girl was handpicked for this family...they were made for each...

At 9:12 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Very well said, Misty

At 9:13 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

That was from Sharon in Texas, Misty. I forgot to sign my name

At 9:24 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Trish-don't let anonymous get to you. God knew that Ashley needed you and Dave to get her through this. What an amazing thing to take a child who has no hope of a happy life, with or without transplants, and to place her into a loving home to give her every possible moment of happiness that she can have, but most importantly to experience and know the Love of God. What a beautiful picture of what Christ has done for us. He looks at our problems and sin and says,"I'll take you. I love you." And then gives us many blessings besides the hope of eternal salvation! Don't let a stranger ruin your day. He needs to understand the Love of the FAther. We should all pray for him....He has a greater need than Ashley.....

At 9:25 PM , Blogger Gretchen said...

Prayers for a complete and miraculous recovery.

At 9:27 PM , Blogger Gretchen said...

Yes, get rid of that poisonous post. Aren't we all imperfect children, adopted by our Saviour? Thank goodness He doesn't measure our value by what we have or do.


At 9:27 PM , Blogger Tamara said...

So glad to hear from you guys!!! Praying for little Ashley, pretty in pink!!

At 9:29 PM , Blogger Tamara said...

I just read the anonymous comment and in case they came back, I want to make sure they are aware of how much support you guys have. We love you. And as a mother of 4 biological children who is looking to adopt special needs, I want to say, it is an awesome role to be in, the opportunity to parent a child who otherwise might not know how loved he/she is...that is nothing other than a gift from God. You are a blessing, an absolute blessing Trish and Dave, nothing less!!!

At 9:43 PM , Blogger Sunshine said...

I am so sorry that such an awful and hurtful comment was left on your blog. I am SO glad God loves each of us to absolute distraction - not based on how worthy we are or how "healthy" we are - but based on Himself. I would never have made the cut if He judged based on my own merits!

God Himself knit Ashley together in the womb. God Himself has each of her days numbered! I PRAISE HIM FOR SHE IS FEARFULLY AND WONDERFULLY MADE! I was adopted too, I was sick too...but God! I praise Him for the future and hope that He has.

At 9:46 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I haven't been where i could leave a comment today but had been able to check in several times. Please know that you are always in my prayers. Hope you are both resting.

At 9:51 PM , Blogger KM said...

I stopped by to leave love, support, and the assurance of my prayers as I will be unable to post for a couple of days.

Everyone has opinions. and I will tell you very thankful I am that the My Father in heaven loves spite of my special needs due to my sinful nature. I am thankful he predestined us to a spirit of adoption by welcoming us into His kingdom.

The devil knows when we are tired, hurting, and off-guard. Let's all just leave our love and prayers here. The battle has been hard pressed for a week now. And we see His hand in Ashley's health. Nothing else need be said.

Kristi in Texas

At 10:13 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dearest Trish, Dave, Blake, Allie, and Ashley.
God "gets it." That's all that matters. I read anonymous's comment out loud to my husband. You want to know what he said?
"Why do they always hide behind anonymous?" My response? "Exactly." Love and prayers your way, from Illinois to Nebraska. Isn't it amazing how big God is? Judy

At 10:14 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm praying that you're getting much needed rest!

At 10:19 PM , Blogger Holly said...

Praying for you both to get well needed and wonderful sleep. What a beautiful girl...she has captured my heart, Trish and Dave. I'm praying for your family. God has put your sweet family in my heart! God bless you!

At 10:54 PM , Blogger Becky said...

Hope you both got some must needed rest. To the anonymous person who said such vile things, they need to grow a heart. Thank God for people like the Adams, without people like them, where would children like Ashley be. You need to ask God to come into your heart.
Please don't be hurt by what they say Trish and Dave, they are sick people to say such things. Know that Ashley is so loved by many people, whether we know her personally or not.

At 10:55 PM , Blogger Amy T said...

So glad they are getting some much needed rest. God bless your family for following God's guidance and allowing Him to show His glory in a way that is so obviously from Him. We love you guys and are praying, praying, praying that each day is a better than the one before.

At 10:58 PM , Blogger Becky said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

At 11:49 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

How could anyone write something so heartless? Does that person honestly believe Ashley would have been better off living in the hospital alone until she died rather than have the chance to experience the wonderful gift of love, life, and an amazing family? Look at the joy she has brought not only to her family, but to an entire community of people around the world who have heard her story and been changed because of it. This is a child who has made a difference because she was given a chance to live because of some very special people(and an extra special organ donor). It just brings tears to my eyes that someone can be so cruel even after seeing how precious Ashley is an how far she has come in her journey...and how much more she has to teach us. Sending prayers and support. =)

At 2:42 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

What a horrible thing to say!!! I am absolutely in disbelief of this post! I will never understand the coldness of some people. It is truly beyond me. I am not perfect but......????

I am praying for you all as always during this very difficult time in your lives. I think it is beautiful the love you have for Ashley. She is a very fortunate sweetheart to have such a loving family to care for her! And the joy she has given in return is awesome! I pray and pray and pray day and night for God's will....

This should be a place for support not for ugliness. There is enough stress going on without adding unnecessary comments! I am also praying for the one that left the ugly post. I'm sorry you don't know love. you have a lot to learn and i pray that you come to know the joy of unconditional love. There is nothing like it. It can only come through our Good Lord above.

Peace to all of you...posters included.....God Bless you all!

At 7:15 AM , Blogger Krista said...

Very well said Misty!! They were handpicked and they have done an excellent job! Ashley is a Blessing from God!

At 10:05 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

The best part is, Ash is doing so much better that she was one and two weeks ago. I am so grateful God is good to us. I am also grateful God is just!

Thank you Lord for allowing us to see your hand of healing in her little body. Please give Trish and Ash the strength to endure what ever is thrown their way! We love you Lord and praise your name!!!

To all who are posting to anonymous:
God is not only a loving God. Remember, He is a just God and sin never goes unpunished. Who ever anonymous is, they need to understand the irony of "anonymous". One day all will know who they are through God's judgement. There is no sin that will stay "anonymous".

To "anonymous":
God knows who you are and that alone is justification. I pray you will have the opportunity to find the love Jesus has for you and can in turn share that love with others. I pray God chooses not to put you through this situation with one of your own children or grandchildren. However, if He does, maybe Ashley's Story will help you through such a difficult time and somewhat be a guide book for you.
Please know you are loved, by God and those who love God. Now you have just as many people praying for you as Ashley does. Maybe that is what you are searching for and didn't even realize it.

Sweetie you are beautiful as usual and I love you so much. I wish I were there just so I could give mommy a break. I'd love to give you the "Aunt Toni" foot rub and maybe mommy one too. Trish, you are doing a wonderful job and your response shines, not shows, but shines compassion and love that Jesus would give. I love you, please call me when you have the chance and/or feel the need to talk.

I love you girls,
Aunt Toni

At 11:16 AM , Blogger Paulette said...

Man how can people be so cruel? That is what is in our world however so we do need to learn to not take offense and forgive ignorance I guess.
Praying for Ashley today and may the Lord continue his awesome work in her.
Trish and Dave you are awesome parents, change nothing you do as parents. Blake and Alley will be fine and it is part of sharing in a family unit, your children will be more compassionate adults through the trials.

At 4:53 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

God knows Ashley and loves her and is not surprised by her circumstances. Daily we see the fingerprints of God all over her life. She is HIS creation and thank you for answering His call to be her mommy and daddy. Denise

At 8:40 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am praying for Ash and her family. Anonymous, I can't believe you would write a nasty comment like that. Yes, she is going through terrible things, but that is what God has ordained, and would you rather her go it alone? That was heartless, and you should be ashamed. Please, Dave and Trish, you don't know me, but I am praying for you. Please don't listen to icky comments like that, but cling to the Holy Spirit.

At 12:05 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is assumably Christians in here. Praising, God, depending on God for each tomorrow. Each second. Anytime someone posts something negative, all the claws come out and Christianity goes out too. Or "being Christ like". You all PLEASE stop attacking just because it wasn't what you were thinking. Please! It was an opinion. Blogs get that.

At 2:42 PM , Blogger Kelly said...

As a regular reader of this blog, I have to say that I agree partially with the last statement made. Trish has even mentioned before that she would prefer that comments don't get nasty when someone posts something that we don't like. However, anonymous, you need to understand that those of us who keep up with Ashley take negative comments VERY personally. This family has become a part of my family, even though I have never met them. I can see how you could not understand all that they are going through, but it is a choice that God has called them to make, and it is a choice that is spreading God's blessings throughout the country. I don't know where you stand with God, but I pray that He makes your heart more tender through this story. I cry everyday as I read this, and I wouldn't have it any other way. I know God called Dave and Trish to adopt Ashley for a reason, and that reason should be apparent through this story. Please don't take this as an attack. I just pray that you understand where everyone else is coming from. As I mentioned above, you're spiritual state is unknown, so I cannot correctly address you with this. The God that we serve is one of compassion and mercy. He does not always make sense. Our God asks us to give up our time and money for things that don't seem normal. Dave and Trish have obeyed what our God has asked them to do. They have adopted a child who shouldn't have lived, and God has blessed them beyond anything they could have imagined. If you read the posts consistently, you should be able to see that. You would also see that Blake and Allie love Ashley dearly and are willing to sacrifice the time with their mom. It's not easy, but our God asks us to do hard things. Anonymous, if you're a Christian, I pray that this is a reminder to you, and you think about what you post to a sister who needs encouragement. If you're not a Christian, I pray that God uses this to bring you to Him. He truly is amazing. He has brought life to a little, sickly girl and continues to sustain her. He is bringing strength to a mom who is far away from her family. He is sustaining the discipline to a father who is separated from his wife and youngest child. He continually brings wisdom and maturity to two children who are growing up apart from their mother. He is reminding people like me on a daily basis that He reigns supreme, and He loves divinely. I hesitated about posting this; I don't know if you'll ever read it. I will please ask that next time you post, please understand that you are not entering a normal blog. This is a house of prayer. I pray that we will be more tactful in the future. No one can keep you from expressing your opinion, but it is difficult not to get defensive.


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