Ashley's Story

She will leave fingerprints all over your heart


I miss...

...Having her home.

...Watching her play.

...Seeing her smile.

...Dressing her up.

...Hearing her giggle.

...Feeling her hugs.

...Holding her hand.

...The twinkle in her eye.

...Snuggling in close.

...Blues Clues.

The doctors are stumped. There are no answers. She is so seems...for no reason. All they did this morning was shake their heads. In the next 24 hours we will stop the anit biotics. We have been blasting her with everyone you have ever heard of and some you haven't and if nothing is there ther is no reason to continue. She is swollen beyond recognition and I can't bare to show you how bad she looks this morning. She is stable, but she is still gone from me. It is so hard to find her without being able to look at the twinkle in those eyes. I kiss her head a thousand times and she doesn't even know I'm near. Her tiny hands and feet are so huge with fluid. I'm afraid to hold them because they look so very painful. I love this child. I love her so much it physically hurts. I try to sing "itsy bitsy spider for her, but can't finish it without sobbing. I miss my baby gherkin.

Dave is sitting at the airport. He missed his first flight. Got placed on stand-bye. Turned in the rental car. Realized he had left his car keys here at the hospital. Called a cab. Came back and kissed us girls good-bye. Missed his second flight and is now waiting stand bye on another. It has been a rough morning for him. He is hoping to get called on the next flight that leaves in about 30 minutes. He will fly into Shreveport to retrieve his car from the hospital or the airport or somewhere there(I can't remember what happened with his car the night we left). He was planning on meeting Blake at baseball practice this afternoon and is still hoping to catch some of it. He is sad to be sitting in Omaha, but not sitting here with us. So close, but so far.

Its been a lonely morning. Lonlier because Dave is gone and Ash is too. She is here, but she is not. He really helps when he is here. We laugh. We visit. We hang out. For now its just me waiting on our baby to wake up and play. Hopefully Dave will be able to come back next weekend.

I think it will be a slow day. I don't think they are going to make any changes with Ash. We are basically letting her rest on the vent while her lungs heal and we look for answers. I may try and catch up on my sleep. We haven't gotten much over the last five days. Again, I say thank you for your prayers. I don't know where we would be without them. Trish
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At 10:38 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am asking God to be very very near. I am so sorry for how your heart aches. And I know I can't even know the 1/10th of it. Do you have friends there right now? That seems to help you so much. Though I know you wouldn't wish them there just to be a support, but it's nice when you have others with you who don't just sympathize but understand all that you're going through. We are praying for you all very often. --Nikki

At 10:45 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lord God, I thank you for today and I thank you for all that you do for us your people. You are the only God that comes to us when we are down and out and helpless. You know our thoughts and needs Lord. God I ask now that you would touch this mother and father Lord. They are pouring out their whole heart to you. Asking for a miracle on behalf of their child. Lord you are still on the throne and still in the miracle business. Father I thank you now for what you have already done for this child and what you are going to do in the days ahead. I pray for peace for all who are dealing with this situation. Comfort those who are directly touched by what is going on with Ashley. Lord please give them rest and mercy. I pray now Lord for the doctors, specialist, and nurses who come in contact with this family. Give them devine intervention from you. Give them the answers and knowledge that they need to know how to go forward with Ashley. Lord, while Ashley seems so far out of reach from her family Lord comfort her, give her strength to fights the days ahead. I give you glory, honor and praise Lord for all that you are doing in this situation and long for the praise report yet again from this family. In Jesus Name we honor and worship you today ~ Amen

At 10:47 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I placed Ashley's name on our prayer list at church yesterday as I have done so many times before. She will be prayed for at all 3 services at St. Barnabas here on Bainbridge Island.

At 10:48 AM , Blogger Laurie in Ca. said...

Praying for you Trish and asking God to fill the lonliness you feel with His love and peace. I am so sorry that this is happening. Asking Him for answers for Ashley's condition and to heal her. And to keep your family back at home safe and hopeful.
Just know there are so many prayers going up for you all right now and that you are loved.

Love and Hugs, Laurie in Ca.

At 10:52 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Trish, You say that Ashley doesn't even know that you are near. I don't believe that. She knows that her mommy is there. She knows that you are there protecting her and loving her. She knows and this is why she is fighting. I'm continuing to pray for you and your family. Love, Stephanie

At 10:57 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am so sorry Trish for your hearting heart. We are all continually praying for you guys and for little Ash.

At 11:08 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Keep kissing her forehead and keep singing "Itsy Bitsy Spider." She know you are there even if she can not acknowledge it. Our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family during this time. Love and prayers from the Banta's in Charlotte, Michigan:) Hang in there!!!

At 11:27 AM , Blogger Mamma_of _five said...

oh how I hope your little sweetie gets better , Praying for little Ash all the way from British Columbia, Canada.

At 11:41 AM , Blogger Julie said...

I can't imagine the agony your heart is going through right now. I am so sorry for that.

I will be praying all day for your family.

God Bless,

At 11:50 AM , Blogger Carey said...

Know I am praying.

At 12:13 PM , Blogger Elizabeth S said...

I am so, so sorry. I have no words. But since it is my prayers you need, I guess it's okay that I don't have words. You will have my prayers indefinitely.

At 12:48 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hoping that you will get lots of rest Trish! I'm sure you really need it. may God keep you company.

At 2:04 PM , Blogger Holly said...

Tarrying in prayer with you all--Lord, You say in Your Word, if any of you lacks wisdom to Father, we ask that in the name of Your precious Son, Jesus, that You will give freely of Your wisdom, understanding and discernment to the doctors and all involved in Ashley's life. LORD, we cry out to You...You are the Faithful One and our hope is in You for Ashley. Amen.

At 2:08 PM , Blogger OKGardners said...

Prayers are being said for Ashley and your entire family.
God Bless You all!

Betty in Oklahoma

At 2:19 PM , Blogger Wendy said...

Trish, I don't know if this info will be of any help, but some of the similarities are striking. Several weeks ago a friend of ours was admitted to the hospital with what they first thought was an asthma attack. Within hours his lungs were collapsing and he was filling up with fluid and they placed him on the vent. For over a week they kept him sedated and on the vent but could never find what was causing the lung failure and fluid. Nothing was ever cultured out, no bacteria no fungus, nothing. He is prone to lung issues because of his asthma and steroid treatment for it, but this seemed un-related to that. Could there be an opportunistic virus in Texas that attacks the lungs of immuno-compromised patients? The good news is that after that first week he made a remarkable recovery very rapidly.

Sorry, I am probably grasping at straws but I want her to get better so badly and if some little tidbit of info might help then I will try it.

Love and hugs to you all!!


At 2:21 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

My prayers are with you at this time.

At 2:40 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

May the Lord be your best friend while Dave is gone. May he hold you close, may you hear him whisper from His Word, and in your heart of hearts" I Love You". "My thoughts toward you, and Ashley and the rest of your family are precious, and too numerous to count" (Psalms 139). May you find peace, comfort, rest. Imagine that the Angels are entertaining Ashley while she sleeps and heals, one day to awaken, and to play with the earthly 'angels' that He has placed in her life, once again. Hoping you find the physical, spiritual, and emotional rest you need today. "Those that wait on the Lord WILL renew their strength..."

At 3:53 PM , Blogger Dawn said...

"My comfort in my suffering is this: Your promise preserves my life." Psalm 119:50

"Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me." Psalm 23:4


At 3:59 PM , Blogger Keri said...

I bet you do miss all of that about her, and more. How my heart breaks for you...and yet I have hope, as I know you do, that before long you'll be enjoying your little pickle again. I hope that as I'm typing this (5:00 Eastern Time), you're deep into a restful sleep, catching up on some of what you've lost lately. Take care, and know that you're covered in prayer.

At 4:32 PM , Blogger Sunshine said...

We are praying for you guys and thinking about you. I just wanted you to know that! Sunshine

At 4:39 PM , Blogger The Dean Family said...

Still praying as always!
Angela in AK

At 5:40 PM , Blogger Fiffer said...

Oh I'm sure she hears you and knows you're there! When my nephew was in an induced coma after an accident in November, the doctors told us to talk to him because he would hear us and it would bring comfort to him.

My prayers -- and tears -- are there with you, as I picture you trying to sing Itsy Bitsy Spider. My heart is aching, but I continue to believe that God has big plans for Ashley! Take care, my friend.


At 6:41 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I too believe that Miss Ashley knows you're there. You make all the difference, Trish. Your faith, your Father, your love, your touch, your mother's heart.

I will be checking in daily and praying daily this week. I have a busy week and may not post much...but I will be here.

In much prayer
Kristi in Texas

At 6:45 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was recently led to Ashley's blog from another & I wanted to let you know that I am praying for Ashley & your whole family. I pray that the Lord would bring you His peace that surpasses all understanding. And even without answers, that He would heal your baby & make her eyes sparkle again. God bless you always.
Kelly B.
Eastern Tennessee

At 6:46 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I just wanted to let you know that baby Ashley, you and your whole family are in my prayers, and I asked the rest of my family to keep ya's in their prayers too.. I'm so thankful for Ashley and your family!

Amber, Calgary Alberta

& the rest of her family, Bridgewater, Nova Scotia

At 7:06 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am praying so very hard right now for Ashley and your entire family. I found Ashley's website through a link and have been checking in daily. God is in control and his healing hands are upon Ashley. I live close to where you are and would love to help you somehow. I'm not sure how to reach you though. I will continue to pray for your beautiful daughter. I am also hugging my own babies extra hard tonight. Gods richest blessings to you.

At 7:07 PM , Blogger G said...

You know Trish, I have to tell you something but I know it will sound a little bizarre - I hope I explain it accurately.

I come here day after day and read about Ashley, all the love you and Dave have for her and your other children, and your unshakable faith ..... and it just moves me so. Many times I end up with tears rolling down my cheeks as I read, just feeling your helplessness as a mother. And many times, I stop before I even finish an entry and begin to pray for you guys because I just can't read another word until I have done so. But, more and more often lately, I am aware of how thankful I am for this blog that you write - for the blessing of being able to pray for your sweet Ashley. Your faith through out all of this is incredible - I always thought of myself as a woman of faith, but I have learned much from you.

Thank you for writing her story. She is touching many lives. Certainly mine.


At 7:22 PM , Blogger Rachel said...

Dear Lord
Please be with this family. Please help Dave make it home safely and in time to catch some of Blake's game. Comfort Allie as her birthday approaches may she enjoy her special day even though her mom may not be there. Guide the doctors as they care for Ashley. Help her to heal so she light up so many lives again. Give Trish peace and rest for tonight and hope for tomorrow.
We trust this family to you in your precious name

At 8:34 PM , Blogger Paulette said...

I have been gone for the past week with no internet access and I came to read and I can't believe what has happened... I am in shock as I just read about the past 6 entries. I am SO very sorry Trish and Dave and through my tears I am prayinng deeply for Ashley and all of you. I don't know what else to say, I am praying...

At 8:34 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I will keep Ashley in my prayers, and I will stand and ask the Lord for complete and total healing.

Just keeping standing there, God hears you, you have tremendous faith, just keep hanging in there. ((hugs))

At 9:09 PM , Blogger Gretchen said...

Trish, I'm just updating myself on Ashley and stand in terrible surprise at how quickly things turned for your little pickle. I'll pray for her healing, your peace, and for Dave, Allie and Blake.
love, Gretchen

At 9:34 PM , Blogger Elizabeth said...

Trish, I was out of town for the weekend and as soon as I came in this is the first place I went prayers continue for all of heart really aches as well...I have not been in your place but I know the Father is watching over and holding you. Please continue to know that there are SO many out there praying for you and lifting you up!
God bless you for your strong faith!

At 10:42 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Can I just encourage you, Trish and Dave...from your perspective you may be seeing the back side of the tapestry of your lives right now, the tangled mess. But, from my perspective, I am seeing this beautiful work of art that God is designing and revealing in and through you. As our Sovereign Lord He has the right to do whatever it takes for us to be molded and conformed to the image of His Son (Rom. 8:29). When He looks at you through this trial and He sees this strong faith you are manifesting in HIM alone, do you realize how that just pleases His heart??? (Heb. 11:6) I look at the map and I see that God is using you to show the world, that He is a righteous, holy God, that loves His children. He PROMISED to be with us always, and He is there with you, wanting to fill and supply your every need. The world determines success by financial standards. God looks at success when His children walk in faith and obedience to Him. I believe that God sees His success in your lives. - Cindy Rindal


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