Ashley's Story

She will leave fingerprints all over your heart


Its Easy

She's so easy to love!!!

Many times over the course of Ash's life we have been asked, "How do you do it?" I always wonder what people mean when they ask us that question. How do we do what? My first thought is this,"How would could we not?" The real answer is this, "Its easy because we love her." Plain and simple. I wake up every morning and am greeted by what you see here in this photo. She makes it easy. She is easy to love! When you love someone you don't consider what it costs, you just love them.

It makes me think of Jesus. I often wonder, "How did He do that. How could He endure the cross?" The answer is this, "He loves us." Thats how He did it. Plain and simple. He did what He did because He loves me. The difference I find is that I am not alway easy to love. I don't make it easy, but yet He still went.

It's been a slow day for Ash, but a slow day is what she desperately needed. Not huge changes, but a few very slow and suddle ones. We have increased her pain medication. Its a little confusing, but when they are intubated they have three drips running continuously intol their central lines. One medication is for paralyzing them so that they can't move or open their eyes. This keeps her from fighting against the breathing tube and trying to remove it. The second medication is for sedation and removes all memory of what is happening to them. The third medication is for pain. The only indication you have that they may be uncomfortable or in pain is by watching the monitors. Ashley's heart rate and blood pressure have been climbing today and since she has no fever and her labs are stable then we know that she is telling us she feels pain. So tht is why we have had to increase her drip. Once she is taken off of the vent then she will be treated for withdrawl symptoms from the narcotics. Its an ugly process, but yet necessary to make it through episodes of this magnitude.

We have been able to drain lots of fluid from Ashley's chest. She is peeing buckets of fluid. It is starting to make a difference. Her right hand almost looks normal again. Her left hand is still huge, but has good capillary refill so we know she is getting blood supply to her finger tips. We were able to put socks on her feet. New socks always make you feel better. The exciting thing about putting her socks on is that her ankles have the ability to be moved. They had been so full of fluid that they would not bend at all, but today I have been able to massage her feet and move her ankles around. She is still really swollen and heavy from all the extra fluid, but the little changes I am seeing encourage my heart.

We won't know until morning if her right lung has opened up with the therapy she is receiving. If it has then what a blessing it will be. If not then we will schedule the bronch procedure and attempt to inflate it that way.

Thank you so much for praying for us today. I slept for most of the afternoon and my nurses were given instruction to toss something at me if I began snoring. They didn't follow their instructions very well and they allowed me to sleep. I am feeling well rested. My headache is gone and my heart is feeling better. Your prayers for us are being felt. Thank you from the deepest parts of my heart. You are loved. Trish

P.S. Camille, our address here at the hospital is: Ashley Adams
Room 5236 PICU
Nebraska Medical Center
University Tower 6159
Omaha, NE 68106-0159

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At 6:02 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Constantly praying for all of you and those little patties and piggies.
Take care,

At 6:05 PM , Blogger Fiffer said...

You put socks on her...and covered up those pretty pink toenails? How could you?! :)

Seriously, I am singing praises to the Lord for pulling Ashley (and all of us) through a very long night. I am thankful that you slept today!

I was thinking of Great is Thy Faithfulness today and wanted to put the lyrics from the third verse, my favorite.

"Pardon for sin and a peace that endureth,
Thy own dear presence to cheer and to guide,
Strength for today and bright hope for tomorrow,
Blessings all mine, with ten thousand beside!

"Great is Thy faithfulness!
Great is Thy faithfulness!
Morning by morning new mercies I see;
All I have needed Thy hand hath provided
Great is Thy Faithfulness, Lord unto me."

Thank you for sharing the new mercies you see each morning. Sleep well tonight -- even though you got a good nap today I'm thinking you're mighty behind in the sleep department!

Love, Martha

At 6:06 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

PRAISE GOD for the things that have happened. I think of you constantly and will continue to pray. Much love to you and your family during this hard time.
Leigh Ann

At 6:26 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yay, yay and yay! Still praying very hard.

At 6:28 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Praise the LORD for the "buckets'!! answers to prayer!

Your words so touch my heart Trish...I am so grateful for this post in the answers to prayer, but also how you spoke of the LORD and his love for us.

It's a blessing to come and pray for you.

God grant you needed strength, more courage and the giggles you so desire to hear.

At 6:47 PM , Blogger Edith said...

Praise God! So wonderful to hear that Ashley is making changes in the right direction...and peeing! Still praying.

At 6:58 PM , Blogger Laurie in Ca. said...

Slow day but progressing, this is good to hear. Praying for her to continue to rest and heal. New socks are so cozy, and just you being able to see improvement is good. You sound more at peace Trish, and it is so good to hear that you rested. You are prayed for all day long as I think of you and I know God is in control. I am praying for her healing and for her twinkle to return soon. And so glad to hear that she is peeing buckets, Go Ashley!!! Rest well tonight and thank you so much for your faithful updates, letting us know how to pray and seeing answers too. Love you Trish.

Laurie in Ca.

At 7:06 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

More tears of joy~~~~Our God is an Awesome God who hears our prayers and at times gives an immediate postive response when He hears multiple prayers being prayed ALL NIGHT long. He is letting everyone know He is still in control, He is letting all His sheep know that He never leaves not even the least, He is using Ashley to let non-believers know He is real and they need to put their trust in Him.

Trish, so happy to hear you actually napped today~~another answer to prayer.

I'm sure Daddy will be more than happy to paint those precious little toe nails whenever it's needed.

Continuing to pray for Blake and Allie during this separation from their mommy and baby sister. Protect their hearts.

Thank You, Heavenly Father for Your great mercies today for the Adams family. All glory, power and honor are Yours.

Love and prayers~~~Janiece

At 7:15 PM , Blogger Keri said...

Ah, what encouraging news to read as I refresh my screen for the hundredth time today! :-) Slow and steady is GREAT, as long as it's in the right direction! And I'm so glad you got some sleep. I'm sure it did wonders for you in every way.

(If you haven't noticed the "sleep" theme in my comments, just know that I'm one of those people who really, really struggles when I'm not getting the sleep I need. So my heart always goes out to you more than ever when I think about how tired you must be! I'll always be praying for you to get enough sleep! :-)

At 7:21 PM , Blogger Astraea said...

We prayed for pee and you got buckets!! Yeah!!! Praise the Lord.

At 7:43 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh what joy that brings to read that the fluid is finally being released. I know I have personally never really prayed for pee, but boy have I now. I know God has a sense of humor and has honored all of your prayers. Praying for another resting evening and can't wait to continue hearing positive reports tomorrow.

At 7:48 PM , Blogger Gretchen said...

THank You Jesus, for Your healing touch and new mercies. In Your heavenly name I pray...Amen

At 8:04 PM , Blogger Priscilla said...

Still praying for you girls! Some treats are on their way to you in Omaha. :)

At 8:23 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Praises. Prayers. Cyber hugs. More prayers. Sleep tight, Ashley. We're praying for you!

At 8:35 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Praying and praising - aren't God and Ashley just awesome! Together they make a wonderful team! I love you with all my heart and soul --- Love and Hugs, Grandma

At 8:50 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Trish - I am thrilled that things seem to be turning around. I am sure you would gasp at all the prayers storming the gates of Heaven for you guys. Our Father is listening!! LETU is praying. It is interesting; I sent out a personal e-mail to my profs at LeTourneau University. They all have heard of Baby Ashley but one in particular, Dr. Andy Woodring, knows of you as part of his church and this is what was said:

Amy: I appreciate the opportunity to pray for the Adams family. They are a part of my church family and so I have been praying for them regularly. It is indeed a needy situation.

Dr. Woodring

From: Bateman, Amy M.
Sent: Friday, February 08, 2008 4:40 PM
To: Woodring, Andy
Subject: Follow-up

....especially you, Dr. Woodring. In the previous e-mail, that part was directed to you. You are the one person that when they say they are praying, I truly know they are. I appreciate that about are always in prayer when asked (and most likely when not). I thank you for that.

Baby Ashley needs our prayers right now. God has performed so many miracles in her life, I am praying for another one!

Thank you for being you! See you Monday - May God continue to bless you.....

Trish-I hope that this gives you some hope. The Lord wants our faith but He wants us to HOPE!

Your WHOLE famail is covovered in prayer!! You are all so very loved and it is ok if you can't find the words to say...for He knows your hearts. He is holding His precious child...and children.

I am more than WILLING to help financially, and any other way you can think of. Plase let me know...

In Christ,
Amy and Kyle

We all you love you and we want what God wants for her. He can heal her body. YOU just KNOW when something isn't right. YOU KNEW IT!! And here she is......

Follow our Lord and most listen to HIS voice!!

At 9:00 PM , Blogger Dennis, Rose and our Clan said...

I am praying still and always for your family! I am so happy to read such good updates today! Did you bring her blue so she can listent o her while she relaxes once she wakes up?

At 9:08 PM , Blogger Sunshine said...

I was telling my husband tonight when he got home from work that there was some improvement in Ashley today (we pray and check in MANY times a day as a family :) ) - anyhow we were marveling over the fact that never in our lives have we seen God pull someone back from the edge SO many times. Looking at it and reading from our perspective it is AMAZING! Thank you for being so willing to share your journey with Ashley with so many - God is SO huge - SO huge and presently working in this situation. Praise God for so many willing to pray you guys through something like this - Praise God for little Ashley and the progress she has made today! Praise God that you are able to rest some today! We will continue to pray for you all and to praise Him! Praise Him for the hearts He has given you and Dave - for the example you set forth as parents who love unconditionally - Ashley is absolutely precious (as are Blake and Allie) - may God cover y'all in His peace and love tonight - Sunshine

At 9:10 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Praying for your sweet little girl...and for your family. god bless you all.

At 9:12 PM , Blogger Shari said...

Praising the Lord for PEE PEE! Yay! Still praying for your precious one.



At 9:14 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am so thankful that you were able to catch some ZZZZZ's this afternoon. Praying that you will be able to get some much needed rest tonight also. Continuing to pray for Ashley, Trish, Dave, Blake and Allie. What a blessing your family is too so many....what a fighter this little girl really is!

At 9:19 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

"New socks always make you feel better." :-)))

So glad to hear things are going better. We will continue to pray. Thanks so much for sharing.

He Gently Calls Us

At 9:24 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

God bless you, I talked to Aunt Glenda tonight and I got this from her. I am praying for Ashley and all the family. Your Aunt Noka sends her love a prayers to Ashley.God can do miracles and that is what I am praying for. My church has her on our prayer list and in all our hearts for her to get better. love Tammy Stacy (Keiths wife) from Oklahoma

At 9:42 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I feel so much better when you do. Sigh of relief
You had me all worried sick about you. This is like a crazy non stop suspense novel I can't put down! I need a happy ending or I am going to go insane.
Do you hear me LORD?

At 10:31 PM , Blogger Holly said...

Continuing to pray for Ashley.

At 11:14 PM , Blogger Emily said...

I had no idea...

I thought sweet baby Ashley Kate was toddling around at home smiling and assumed you'd be laughing too hard to post...

I am so sorry. There are no words. I'll be on my face for you. Count on that. And believe God IS there with you. You've seen Him work miracles before and I pray tonight is uneventful, then tomorrow is filled with one miracle after another.

Loving you and lifting you up from KY. Y'all are blessed to have each other!

At 5:59 AM , Blogger Dk's Wife said...

Thank God for the little improvements!

Continued prayers and God Bless!


At 9:04 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Praying for you guys I am happy to hear that there is some improvement. ~Chan~


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