Ashley's Story

She will leave fingerprints all over your heart


Hearts Desires


I love this! Her hearts desire was to have this puppy and God enabled us to grant her the desire of her heart. There is no better feeling in the world than seeing the desires of your childrens hearts come true. What joy it brings to me to see the two of them together.

My hearts desire was Ashley Kate. I wonder if His heart was as blessed as mine the day she was born. He must have known He would be giving her to us. We are His children and I know His love for me is even greater than my love for Allison Brooke.

I'll never forget the way I felt the very moment I realized that He really did want to grant me the desires of my heart. He was listening. He did know my innermost thoughts. That day was a life changer for me. The God of all creation cared enough about my heart, my desires, my dreams to reach out and place this little girl in my arms. There are no words to describe how that made me feel. I knew that if me being her mommy and she being my daughter never came to fruition that God was still listening. He knew that I desired a child, this child, our Ashley Kate and that was enough to change my heart forever.

Just as my heart was blessed the day I knew we would be handing this bundle of Hope to Allison I can only imagine that God's heart was blessed the day He handed me our bundle of Ashley Kate.
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