Ashley's Story

She will leave fingerprints all over your heart


Sweet Surprises...

...lay in store.

We are on our way out the door to celebrate our sweet Ashley Kate's upcoming 3rd birthday. I get chills when I type that! The next to time you hear from us we will have celebrated with the members of our family and a few close friends. We will have taken them all through the Peppermint Forest, over the Gumdrop Mountains, and across Snow Flake Lake to King Kandy's Castle. I can hardly wait!

I hope you all enjoy your upcoming weekend and I hope yours is filled with sweet memories too. I can't wait to show you what we have planned for our Ashley. The guests ages will range from 1year to 63years and I can bet you that the "older" guests will have just as much fun as the "younger".

Take care my friends and God Bless. Talk to you soon. Trish


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