Ashley's Story

She will leave fingerprints all over your heart



I just got off the phone with Trish and Ash. It was really great to hear Ashley's sweet voice. She started off sounding really playfull. She was having a good time with herself. She then started the growling and pirate talk "Ahoy there.....Arrrgg" She talked to me for a while and had all kinds of things to say. It was so nice to hear the excitement and joy in her voice. She then quickly became agitated and sounded very upset and distraught. I can hear the struggle her little body is having with so many medications. My prayer is that God would guide and lead us in such a way that we can begin to wean her off of some of these toxic substance. Please be in prayer with us for Ashley that we can carefully and thoughtfully reduce some of the toxins going into her tiny body. Thank you for your love and care for a little Gherkin.




At 10:20 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nothing more special than talking to our children. May God give each one of the Adams family a restful night of sleep and a great day tomorrow. God Bless You and Good Night!

At 10:53 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Maybe I'm way off, but it seems as though you all are dealing with a lot right now that you can't necessarily talk about. And that can be so hard when you maybe want to share your heart and can't. I would imagine it's even difficult to call each other without listening ears of nurses or the children on Dave's end. Tonight I will concentrate my prayers on those "unspoken prayers" that so often seem to get skipped over, but are usually the most important ones. I hope God will give you a peace and renewal to face everything again tomorrow.

At 11:07 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ditto Nikki...(= Praying for all unspoken prayers & that God will speak words of affirmation to the both of you regard to these unspoken requests through the Holy spirit...during your quiet time.... Rest in HIM..... He will lead you in these tough decisions. As you pray about these things.....I feel that you will have a peace about the pending decisions & know what God's will is & what has to be done. Being a parent is WONDERFUL...but as you know....more than isn't easy. Praying... (Some days I wish I had more to offer in way of help to you guys....but Prayer today....I feel is what is most important....& you are being lifted up). (=


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