Ashley's Story

She will leave fingerprints all over your heart


I wonder?

There are so many things I sit and wonder about. Some of the things that cause my mind to wonder are serious things concerning Ashley's life and health care. Some things I wonder about are silly things like whether or not Allie went to bed with matching pajama pieces on (doesn't matter to anyone else but I like for her to match).

Much of my wondering involves Ash's life and her future. I seem to write a lot about those type of things. What are His plans for her? Will she survive all of this? What will her childhood be like? Will she grow up to big things? There are times when I wonder about all of these things and then there are times when I wonder about what will life be like for us when we make it back home. I haven't written too much about these type of thoughts because honestly I have never felt like we were even close to going there. At this time I do feel as though the day will come for Ashley and I to return home and the wondering of what will that be like has seemed to really take off. As I talk to Dave throughout the days that we are apart many things about our lives have changed over the past five and half months. Our roles in the home have be re defined, and this realization causes me to wonder. One thing I know is that we are united. We are strong and we will somehow figure out how to live as normal life as possible once Ash and I get there, but I do wonder just how we will figure it out. The kids are changing and growing every day. I wonder how different they will be when I return. Will we do the same silly things together we did before I left or will they have outgrown them? Will we talk the way we always have or will there be a distance between us? I try so very hard to stay connected to them by speaking everyday about school and friends and the like, but its just different now. My Blake and Allison have experienced many things during the time I have been gone and I have not been a part of them. David has become their constant just as I have become Ashley's. It has been so very weird to have the five of us separated for so long and I just wonder how we will put it all back together. I wonder how they will feel each time Ash gets sick and has to be taken back to the hospital? I wonder if they will fear that it is starting all over again? More than anything I pray that we will all be able to pick up and move on from this separation and that we will continue being who we have always been.

Apart from the wondering about our roles in the children's lives I often wonder about mine and Dave's relationship. In many ways it has become stronger than ever. In other ways I feel such a distance. We are living two different lives that only come together and meet once every five or six weekends. How will we come back together? I think he has done a fabulous job of raising Blake and Allie and running the business and holding it all together, but I wonder where I will fit back into those things? He is constantly making decisions for the business and the older children and I am constantly making decisions here for our Ashley. There are times when I don't find out about decisions that have been made for days and it seems so odd that he would have had to handle those things without me. All of this makes me wonder how life will be once it returns to normal. I guess we will have a new normal.

When I say that I am wondering please don't mistake this for worrying. I don't worry about it all. I just think about it. I don't believe it will be easy to figure this all out, but I do believe that we WILL figure it all out. God has a plan and He always has. I know that His plan for this time in our lives has been laid out before us for several, several years. I can look back over the past 13 years and now see how or why certain situations and experiences have helped to mold us for the times we are now experiencing. I am certain that as long as we take it one day at a time and allow Him to continue working in our family that it will somehow all come together. I don't think it will happen easily, but I think it will happen. I just wonder how long it will take for our new normal to sink in and for all of us to fall back into the rhythm of our family of five. I've just been wondering.


At 7:48 AM , Blogger The Rutland Family said...

The good thing, as you know, is that God will be with you all through each step. He already knows the outcome. My family prays for yours each day and will continue to do so. God bless you all on your journey!
Because He lives, we can face tomorrow!

At 7:52 AM , Blogger Paige said...

Good morning, Trish and Ashley!

Sounds like you both had a great nap yesterday. Hope you were both able to sleep again last night.

My husband and I had to endure a lot of separations of the years. It does make you wonder what it will be like when you are back together. Somehow when God has joined two hearts (or more) then they somehow reunite. Things will have changed but it has been a chosen path that God has ordained for all of you. It will be even more beautiful when it is together again. Different but good.

Have a great day! I cannot wait until rounds tomorrow to see what they will say! It is wonderful to see the prayers of so many be answered before our eyes!

Love and hugs!

At 8:01 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good am to you all! Trish,Ashley, all these things that you are wondering about will all be in His plan and when you all go home and the kids seem at one point to be in awe just wait because in the blink of an eye all will seem as though it has always been. as you know God does indeed have a plan for us all, and you and yours is a very,very special one. God bless you. barron&cindy

At 9:00 AM , Blogger Connie said...

There's a big difference between wondering and worrying! We're still praying for you. I'm so glad that Ashley's organs are all working well. We'll pray that she is healed from that wimpy cancer!

At 1:21 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am so happy for you at the events just over the last week! Sleep, sweet sleep for one thing! Last weekend your sweet baby had a fever & now just a short time later things are looking up:) Thank you Jesus!! I think that when you get back home everything will be great! Kids bounce back pretty easy & you will find some familiar places along with some new ones that may be really good. Your dh will gladly let you step back in and Ashley will love seeing him and her siblings thus easing the burden on you alittle from your long stay away. You may be even able to take a normal shower and most of all you will be refreshed at getting back some normalcy. We as moms spend alot of time wondering about things like this. Its normal! Its our job. I will pray for continued rest for you and restoration and healing for Ashley as you prepare to move on to the NEXT STEP!! YEAH! Colleen


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