Ashley's Story

She will leave fingerprints all over your heart



The news of the day is a possible "release" on Monday barring any complications with Ash's health. At this time the oncologists have decided they would like to continue treating a possible pnuemonia in Ashley's lungs. The liver team has agreed to continue her on the two suggested antibiotics to try and keep the infection from worsening. Nothing has grown back on the cultures sent earlier this week so the only thing they can find is a hazy area in her lungs. They are not willing to take any chances since Ash is under going chemotherapy. I have asked if I can be allowed to run the antibiotics myself at the apartment as opposed to hanging out here for the next 2 weeks. We have been allowed to do this in the past and I am comfortable with the procedure of connecting them to her line and setting the pump. They judge and jury are still deciding this matter.

If we are allowed to leave then it looks like Ash and I will be coming to the hospitals treatment center and to the transplant clinic 3 days a week. The next 4 Tuesdays will be the longest days as we run her chemo treatments. On 1 of those Tuesdays we will be in chemo for 9 hours. On the remaining 3 only 6 hours. After those Tuesdays are complete then we will be allowed to go home to Texas as long as she does not get sick with any type of infection and if her organs continue to function well. Before leaving for home we must find a pediatric oncologist willing to finish Ash's chemo treatments for the remaining 12 weeks. We hope that will be in Dallas, but Houston is also a possibility. The chances of her not getting ill with such a low white count is very slim, but I know that God is still bigger than chemotherapy and low blood counts. I believe we will go home in His time.

I would like to say that I am excited about the possibility of leaving, but I know better. I'm not going to plan or prepare until the are telling me to "get out" on Monday. Then I might believe that it is going to happen. Dave is still picking his daisies under neath the rainbow that follows him around. He sounds like a kid the night before Christmas each time we talk. I appreciate our differences. I am thankful God gave him this optimistic disposition. It balances out my realistic one. I just hope that Ash and I get to pick a few of his daisies soon. It would be such a blessing to get her to a stable enough place in her recovery to actually leave the hospital and eventually make it home.


At 2:30 PM , Blogger Krista said...

YEAH! this sounds like a positive step in the right direction.

At 2:47 PM , Blogger Karen said...

Oh, Trish! This is wonderful news~~I will be praying for it to be a reality!! Blessings, Karen

At 2:51 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

This does all sound exciting. Being out will be great.
I understand your optimist husband - mine is the same way. He sees the glass half full - I don't see it half empty. I just know it's gonna have to be washed now! - that's you too, you're a realist, you understand the situation. It's a Mom thing.

Can you believe you are over half way through the first round of the chemo. You can do this!

At 3:45 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

(And thanking God that things again seem to be progressing towards your leaving the hospital...great news!)
We love you all so very much.

At 3:46 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Maybe the glass isn't half full and maybe it isn't half empty. Maybe the glass is just twice as big as it needs to be.

At 4:22 PM , Blogger Carey said...

I am praying for you and Ashley that you will be able to leave on Monday! Oh that will be so nice for you Im sure.

At 4:34 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your stories are such a wonderful journey. Our family just loves following along. I love your strength, your faith, and the love you have for the Lord I love most of all.

Thank you so much for loving us enough by keeping everyone updated.

Thank you for sharing your family and your precious pictures.

Have a Blessed day!

With much love in Christ!

At 5:15 PM , Blogger Jill said...

What wonderful news. Ashley is just thinking spring in Texas I bet. If you need any help with the move home to the apartment on Monday please let me know. I can certainly run and get groceries etc for you it's very close to my home.
I'll call over the weekend.
Sorry I missed you all week, the snow plow finally came an hour ago to our street. What a mess.
Jill from Omaha

At 8:07 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I know it's early, and plans are still not for sure, but "YIPPEEE!! AND PTL"!!!!!!!!!!! It's so nice to hear that the babies we are praying for are getting better and things are looking up!

At 9:44 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Trish - just wanted to let you know, we were waiting for our food in chick-fil-a and saw Dave pull through the drive-thru so we waved to each other. Then Blake comes running in (I think to get some ketchup, or napkins or something) so I said hi Blake! How's it going? He had a great smile on his face and when I asked him about baseball this weekend he said he has a tournament tomorrow. They both look great! Just thought I'd let you know. Still praying, as always.....


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