Ashley's Story

She will leave fingerprints all over your heart


No rounds yet.

The team has not yet rounded to give as a plan for today. They have been doing a transplant for most of the night and morning. The little patient is a friend of ours who has been here in the hospital while waiting on the list. I just spoke to his dad and he is of course exhausted from not sleeping all night and a little overwhelmed. I wish so badly that there was something I could do to make the next few days easier on him, but this road is so hard and so tough and you have no idea what you are getting into until you are there. It almost seems deceptive. You wait and pray for organs. This is your child's only hope of living. You don't choose transplant as an option. It becomes your ONLY option. It is in no way a cure. It does not assure them life. It is merely a chance. A chance that they otherwise would not have. I pray and pray and pray that our little friends transplant is the answer for him, but to be completely honest I don't even know if it has been the answer for my Ashley. Only God knows if our children will survive this process. I pray that neither he nor I lose this battle for our children's lives. We have to trust that God has a plan and that He is holding them in His hand.

Our favorite baseball team the TARHEELS are in the middle of their first game of the weekend. They were leading 15 to 6 when I last spoke with Dave. Blake hit an in the park home run on his first at bat of the tournament. What a great way to start. I hope this means good things are in store for our Tarheels. Sure wish Ash and I were there to root them on.

I will post with any news I receive about my grumpy princess during rounds. I am praying that things stay boring enough for us with no surprises that would keep us from going out to our apartment on Monday. We will just have to see. Thanks for stopping by today. Please add our little friend to your prayer lists. He has a rough week ahead of him. Have a great day and take care. Trish


At 1:54 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

What position does your Blake play?

Praying good things for your family today!

At 4:16 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...



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