Ashley's Story

She will leave fingerprints all over your heart


Small request

Ash woke up and needed an ostomy change around 4:30 this morning. All I can say is that I have learned to do them with my eyes closed and it is a good thing. As I was cleaning her up I noticed 3 small blisters on the skin around her Mic-key button. This is a little concerning to me. I have never seen a blister on her before. With the high dose steroids that Ash is currently on during her chemotherapy treatments her body has a tough time healing itself from cuts, bruises, blisters, etc. I am not sure where the blisters came from. I am running possible causes through my mind but regardless of what caused them they are a source of concern to me. If they were to open and not heal then we have a source for potential infection which could very likely lead us right back into the hospital. She has no fever, no redness, no fussiness, so symptoms of becoming sick. I wonder if it is some type of reaction to one of her medicines, although she has not started any new ones lately. I wonder if perhaps her clothes rubbed against her under the strap of her car seat as we traveled home, although I did get her out of the seat almost every hour on the trip. I wonder if it is something bigger, more dangerous going on? I hope not. Would you please join me as I pray that the blisters will just disappear. I am praying that they might just go down on their own and that they would go no further. I am praying that God protects her and that when she wakes today they might not be there. I am just praying because at this point something as small as a blister on her tummy could be the cause of something very large to develop. I just need them to go away. They don't seem to be causing her any discomfort. Why are they there? Only God knows so I am trusting that He might just remedy this situation for me. Thanks for praying for her along with me. I pray you have a Sunday morning full of blessing. Trish


At 4:37 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...


At 5:32 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

praying, praying, praying...

At 5:45 AM , Blogger Alison said...

Praying and praising all at the same time....

At 6:53 AM , Blogger Carey said...

Im praying for your Ashley today. I pray the blisters are nothing to worry about and that they will disappear.

At 8:28 AM , Blogger Karen said...

I'm praying...

At 9:36 AM , Blogger Sarah said...

We've had a couple of scares with Addison when I was sure something was going to be a big deal--and then it was nothing!

So that's what I'm praying for you, that it'll be nothing at all, and that your joy won't be stolen from it. There's nothing the enemy would like better than to steal your joy at getting to go home today!

I think knowing that you're on your way back to Longview today has made my day brighter--I've been smiling since the post when you announced it! I'm SO excited for your whole family :)

At 10:34 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Praying. Do let us know how things develop, when you have a chance--oh I know I don't have to write that! always are so kind and faithful to the many people who eagerly await any news about your dear pickle. We love you, so much.

At 11:44 AM , Blogger Paige said...

I am praying that the little blisters will turn out to be nothing to be concerned with.

Congratulations on being back home together with your family! Reading those words brought tears to my eyes. What a hard road it has been to get to this point, but God has been so faithful each step of the way! Welcome home!

Love and hugs!

At 1:54 PM , Blogger Robyn said...

I'm praying too...

At 4:25 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Praying for your precious pickle...


At 5:11 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm still praying very hard for Ashley. I've been away and it was so good to come back and see that she is in TX! Congrats!

At 5:15 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Praying she stays free from infection and illness so she can properly heal with all of the love she will receive at home. I am so thrilled to see the pictures of her bonding with her brother again. The love she will receive at home will let her heal so quickly! Praying...

At 7:52 PM , Blogger Ivey's Mom said...

Ivey has a mickey button. She has gotten small blisters where gastric juices leak out. Simple solution.....Mylanta. Swab it around the site with a Q-tip. I do this on the recommendation of my GI doctor. It will help to neutralize the acid.......

At 8:50 PM , Blogger Sarah said...

Just checking in tonight to see if you made it home safe! We're thinking about you and hope today has been a happy day!! :)

At 10:01 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Praying still here in Alabama!

So glad you're in your home state w/ all of your family together again!

Ash will be just fine..........she's got a God fearing Mommy, remember?

So happy for your family Trish.

So glad you're going to keep the updates coming! Even though I don't always have a chance to post, I read and I pray.

Lots of love from the McRae's here in Alabama!


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