Ashley's Story

She will leave fingerprints all over your heart


Lots of Laughter

If I had to make a list of the blessings in my life I assure you the word "laughter" would appear on it. It has to be one of my favorite gifts(right next to memories) the Father has given to us all. It doesn't cost a thing and it is available to all just because He loves us. In the fifteen years Dave and I have been together we have managed to find something to make us smile in almost every single day of them. He is usually the one that causes me to smile, and I am so thankful for his silly humor and antics. It keeps things fun even when life gets a little overwhelming. Our Ashley Kate has been laughing right along with her Dad all night long. She has the cutest smile! She crinkles up her nose, squints her eyes, shows us a row of teeth, and then FAKES the funniest sounding laugh you have ever heard. This in turn causes everyone in the room to begin laughing and then she begins to laugh and giggle with pure and genuine joy. It truly is one of the most beautiful sounds. I wish I could capture it, bottle it up, and carry it along with me everywhere I go. Nothing makes me smile more then to hear the joy He placed inside of her come out.

Today has been a good day. She has played. She has laughed. She has napped. She has lived. When she feels good she really feels good and it is such a gift to watch her living life. We took a long walk this morning and saw the biggest butterfly. It was black with blue spots on its wings and it flew right in front of her stroller. She waved her arms and giggled as it almost landed on the front of it. Oh how I wish it had! Ashley loves them and she loves to be outside. In the beginning of our wait for transplant I remember sharing with Dave how I thought of Ash as a butterfly. I even bought two butterfly broaches for our moms when we traveled to Omaha for our transplant evaluation. I shared with them how when I thought of a butterfly I thought of what the Father was planning for my Ashley. A new life. A new beginning. She would one day wake as something different than before. She would be given the opportunity to use her wings and soar into the plans He had in store. I chose the butterfly as a symbol to help tell our Ashley's story for these reasons. To see her outside enjoying the very thing that gave me hope in the days before her transplant touches me. I think the Father gave me these moments with my Ashley to remind me that He indeed does have a plan for her life. She may have been born as one thing, but He has used a series of events in her life to make her into something else. She is now a survivor. She is a tranplant recipient. She is nothing short of a miracle.

As I type I can hear her laughing in the next room. I am not sure what she finds so funny, but I have a good suspicion that it involves her daddy. I love to watch them together. If my girls can grow up to find a husband half as wonderful as their Dad then I know they will live a blessed life. Thank you for being here. Thank you for praying for our baby pickle. I know the Father has brought you into our lives for a reason and we are more than blessed by each and every one of you. I pray you find lots of reasons to smile and laugh this weekend. Good night and God bless. Trish


At 10:20 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

How very precious......Love all the new pictures. Praying for you guys even when I am not checking in or posting as often. Hug the little pickle for our family. Both kidos pray for her daily...not a day passes. (=

At 8:55 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

you my friend are exactly what I picture when the Bible says blessed so much you cannot contain it! Thanks for spilling over into our lives. Sunshine

At 7:50 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

What a precious picture!


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