Ashley's Story

She will leave fingerprints all over your heart



Frustration. Disappointment. Anxiety. Sadness. Bummed out. Irritated.

So many emotions involved when things don't go right. Ashley's line placement was unsuccessful and heartbreaking. It was attempted at her bedside while Dave and I sat in the corner of her room. First vein didn't work. Second vein didn't work. Third vein didn't feel right, but it could have been so the line was wired in and we all hoped for the best. The x-ray showed that it went into the left subclavian vein and instead of turning down toward the heart it went across to the right subclavian. So the line can't be used and she must be scheduled for the OR sometime tomorrow. My stomach is in knots.

We still have to keep the femoral line in the right side of her groin. We still have to keep the catheter in her bladder. We still have to keep the arterial line in the left side of her groin. We lost ground on the ventilator and must work throughout the evening to regain the settings she had accomplished. She may prove to be too worn out from the procedure and the sedation.

How we wish it would have been scheduled for the OR to begin with and how we wish things would just be a little easier for Ashley Kate. It just never is.

On the other side of Ashley's life we have experienced more joy, peace, happiness, excitement, and fulfillment than words could ever describe. On those days we have made memories to last a lifetime. We have laughed until we have cried. We have really lived.

This journey we are on is not always easy, but has proven to be blessed. Usually things have a way of turning out for her good and knowing that is what helps us keep our sanity on days like this. Our sweet Ashley is a miracle and knowing He gave her this life for His purpose and His plan to be accomplished makes the bad days endurable. We are both a little sick about what happened this afternoon, but I am thankful she is resting and has no idea what just took place.


At 6:43 PM , Blogger The Dean Family said...

Thanks for the continual updates. I am sorry for this difficult time. I am so thankful that Dave was able to be there with you for all of todays happenings. Your spirit continues to amaze me. Keep it up! Praying as always.


At 6:43 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

So glad Dave was able to be there for all of that, especially after such an encouraging night. Love you, and praying that things go much better tomorrow.

At 7:03 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Trusting for a greater "YES" tomorrow..He knows the way we take and has gone before you..all that said, our hearts are pleading to the Father on your behalf as we continue to pray in central IL

At 7:43 PM , Blogger Amy T said...

Praying for a better tomorrow. So glad Dave made it there safely and is there with you. I know it must be hard to watch, but like you, I'm glad she is not aware of what is going on. Poor baby. She just tugs at our hearts. Bless you.

At 7:57 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have to say this...again. You guys just amaze me with your endless faith and spiritual stamina.

Poor Ashley...and yet, it is wonderful that she is unaware of all that is being done to get her on the mend.

Continued prayers....

At 8:25 PM , Blogger Julie said...

I'm so sorry today was such a hard one. I'm praying tomorrow is much much better.

God Bless,

At 8:34 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I guess if she was going to have a rough day, it is good you both were sorry to hear of today's struggles. I pray for a better day tomorrow, and for continually better days after that.

Let me know if I can do anything.
Take care.

At 8:35 PM , Blogger Holly said...

Praying without ceasing.

At 8:56 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Many prayers sent from Ca, praying for healing, peace, and camlming comforts for all.

At 9:18 PM , Blogger Keri said...

I think that last part of your last sentence is the biggest blessing of all: she doesn't have any idea what took place. While I know it is traumatic for the two of you, knowing what her little body went through and what it will go through tomorrow, it sure is a comfort to know that she's not aware. How much worse it would be if you had to hear her crying out or watch her struggling against the procedures, as you've had to various times in the past!

I'm so sorry to hear that progress has been lost, but as you stated, this road is still blessed, and you still have many, many people praying every step of the way, including me! Try to have a restful night!

At 9:24 PM , Blogger camille said...

I'm glad Dave could come too. Praying for a miracle :)

At 9:29 PM , Blogger Sunshine said...

So sorry it was rough - so glad you guys are there together! We will be in prayer and hoping for a better day tomorrow and an amazing weekend! Sunshine

At 9:56 PM , Blogger Gretchen said...

I'm glad Dave is able to be there with you both. So sorry about the line problems. God is there, Trish. I know He is. Cling to Him. He loves you all so much.


At 9:59 PM , Blogger Laurie in Ca. said...

Checking in tonight and letting you know I am sorry for the frustration of the procedure and praying things get back to where they should be and soon. Hoping for a good day tomorrow and that everything goes smoother. I am so glad you have Dave there and Ashley won't remember. She is such a strong little girl. God bless all 3 of you tonight for good rest.

Love, Laurie in Ca.

At 12:19 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Praying and thankful she wasn't aware how rough her day was.

At 3:37 AM , Blogger Annie said...

It is so hard to watch your baby being "poked". I also know how hard it is to see them with all the different lines going into their little body and I know that sick feeling in your stomach. You are doing such a good job being there for her and giving us updates so we know how to pray. I saw way too many babies in the PICU who were left alone for days on end so their parents could live a "normal life". She knows you are there with her. Keep up the good work!


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