Ashley's Story

She will leave fingerprints all over your heart


Not Needed

Our admission orders yesterday were to place Ashley Kate on oxygen support to keep her O2 sats above 95%. So far that order has not been activated because it has not been needed. Yeah Ash! For the first time ever we have been able to avoid what we all that was the inevitable. Her respiratory status remained stable all through the night and still this morning.

Her chest x-ray shows the pneumonia has settled in behind her heart in her left lung. We are currently treating her with a broad spectrum anti-biotic for the pneumonia and she was already on an anti-viral(thanks Shari, I accidentally typed anti-fungal) for treatment of the CMV she got last fall. So the RSV is covered as well. She actually looks really good. She's tired and breathing a little heavy from the weight of the pneumonia, but as long as she remains stable and doesn't decline today then we may get to go home tomorrow and continue IV treatment from there. That is our hope. We will of course be monitoring her symptoms and staying on top of her O2 sats, but as long as she holds her own we may be able to ride this out at home.

All other tests have come back negative. That is a huge blessing. To know what we are battling is such a huge piece in overcoming this illness.

Thank you for praying for our Ashley. She needs them. I truly believe the Father is hearing the many prayers prayed over her and that it speaks to His heart. Again I say thank you for being here and for caring.


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