Ashley's Story

She will leave fingerprints all over your heart


Ashley's IV Pole

A quick little post about Ashley's IV pole.

Its heavy.  With 4 IV pumps attached to it, full bags of IV fluids(1000mls each), a full bag of TPN(1800mls), and a  jar of Omegavin, its just too heavy for her to move about the house with it in tow.

We also have a split level home.  All the bedrooms including Ash's are up the step.  The place she wants to go to at night is the family room and it happens to be down the step.  Even if she could learn to pull the weight of the IV pole behind her she would not be able to bring it down the step with her.  Its difficult for me to do it each day.

Placing the IV pole on the opposite side of the bed isn't possible because of where Ashley's catheter exits her chest wall.

I really like the ribbon idea and will try it.  Thanks for that suggestion.

She moves about the day a little more freely because I am able to take down the Omegavin and place the pumps and bags into a back pack.  In the earlier part of the day the back pack is pretty heavy and it limits her ability to go too far.  By the  afternoon most of the fluids have infused and she's really good at dragging it behind her to get where she wants to go.

I wish life were different for her, but its not.  I wish she were fully cognitive and could understand everything I' m trying to teach her.  I also wish she had the ability to walk  like our other transplant friends so that pulling it behind would be easier. Unfortunately neither of these thing are her reality:(

Thanks for your suggestions.  I'm sure others may have been wondering the same sorts of things.  Sometimes I forget to fully explain things in detail when I'm writing.  I get busy telling a story and just go with it.


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