Ashley's Story

She will leave fingerprints all over your heart


I see beauty...

Even on the dark days, I still see beauty. Even on the sad days, I still see beauty. Through the disappointments, I still see beauty. On the days when my heart grieves the loss of another child, I still see beauty. This morning as I think back over the last few days in Ashley's story, I see many places of beauty.

In the halls of this PICU I see beauty. I see beauty in the smiles on the faces of those precious women who make sure all things stay clean. They have such a way of making me see the beauty of all who surround me. I see beauty through the dedication I watch day after day in the nurses who come back to make a difference in the lives of these children. I see beauty in the friendships that have developed between us. I see beauty in the way thay they don't just do their job when taking care of my Ashley but in the way that they love her. I see beauty in the faces of my fellow parents who show genuine care and concern for my daughter. I see beauty in the knowledge and the skill of the surgeons and the doctors who have been used to save my Ashley's life time and time again. I see beauty in the way they take the time to make sure I have an understanding of what is taking place. I see beauty in the transplant coordinators who show how much they care for me and Ashley each time they pass me in the halls. I see beauty in the faces of the children who have become patients in this place. The beauty they exhibit through their will to survive is astounding. I see beauty in the kindness of strangers. I see beauty laying in that crib across the room. Some of the most amazing beauty I have ever seen. I see beauty in her eyes as they light up when she sees her mommy or her Daddy. I see beauty in her smile. It melts my heart. I see beauty in her finger tips as they squeeze as tightly as they can to mine while she sleeps. I see beauty in her tiny feet, and in the dreams I have of where those tiny feet will someday take her. I see beauty in her strength, in her will, in her face, in her spirit, in her heart, in her whole being. I see beauty in the way she was created. I see beauty in His plan for her life. I see beauty in the possibilities. I see beauty in the promise. I see beauty in the body of believers who have surrounded us with their love, their prayers, their protection. I see beauty in this life that I have been blessed with. I see beauty because of her struggles. I see beauty because of who He made her to be. I see beauty all around me because I have been allowed to love my Ashley.

This morning they will not take Ashley off of the ventilator. They attempted and she failed. Her lungs are still too wet and it is too dangerous. My heart is disappointed, but I see beauty in the wisdom that is being used to spare her any further complications. She will spend another day fighting agaist the breathing tube, but I see beauty in her fight because He has allowed her to be here to fight another day. I am surrounded by beauty, and I find beauty in the lessons I have learned that have brought me to a place where I can find it.

My prayer for each of you who come to Ashley's story today is that you too will look around you and see the beauty that He has placed in your life. It is there, and it is capable of being found. You have been the cause of much beauty in my life, and I appreciate each one of you for bringing it to me. You are loved today by not only a baby pickle but also by her entire family. May God bless you. Trish


I have not been able to find the beauty in having a tooth pulled. If you know where I might find it, please let me know. I seem to be struggling with that one.


At 10:18 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm not sure about the tooth either. No beauty there, just wait though it will feel beter soon! Praying for Ashley's fight. Praying for you all! Sending well wishes from Alabama! Just wanted to let you know that I'm still praying continually for y'all! Hope that mouth of yours feels better soon! Thank God, the great physican for using these good docs to know what is best for Ash! Hopefully tomorrow will go beter and her lungs will dry out as they need to be.

Seeing the beauty of my day because of you, Trish! Thank you for being such an inspiration! God bless you and have a great day!

At 10:30 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I see beauty in you, Trish - beauty in so many areas but most especially the way you fulfil your calling as a mommy. The love you have for your children is truly unconditional and I see beauty in your giving your all for them. I know God will continually bless you for your sacrifices. We'll be seeing you soon. Can't wait! Love and Hugs, Grandma

At 10:35 AM , Blogger Sarah said...

Hmm, finding beauty in a pulled tooth is a hard one! But once your mouth stops hurting, you'll see lots of beauty in that!!

I'm praying that Ashley's lungs continue to dry out quickly, and that today is a restful one for all of you!

At 11:08 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Physical pain aggravates emotional pain. So that's where I see the beauty.... once that tooth is pulled, my prayer is that your physical pain will let up a little, which God can use to bring your spirit and emotions more strength and resolve. So then more of you will be present (and not distracted by your own pain, which I can only imagine is frustrating for you) for Ashley.... and I know you want to be 100% present in body, soul, and mind for that precious girl. YOU are such an amazing, selfless mother... and I pray for that tooth-pulling to give you some needed relief. You deserve it!

And thanks for reminding me to lift up my head and look around for beauty in my own little world today. Praying for you and your family.

Love, calissa

At 12:05 PM , Blogger Ashleigh Baker said...

I see beauty in your sweet heart of surrender to the Lord and trust in His infinite wisdom and care. I don't know that I'd be as accomplished in that area...

But as for that tooth, heh... I don't see much in that either, except for agreeing that once it's out and the pain is gone--that'll be a beautiful day!

At 12:08 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can see no beauty in having the tooth pulled except in knowing that this too will pass (the pain, that is). Ashley wouldn't want you suffering as well, so it's good that you got it taken care of.

Prayerfully, Ashley's lung clear by morrow and she'll be on her way to taking the steps she needs to take to fully recover, without any more setbacks.

At 12:44 PM , Blogger Krista said...

Trish-you never cease to amaze me. I see beauty in the fact that you can stop and "smell the roses" so to speak, with everything going on in your life. I so much wish I had that quality. You are such an amazing mom, and I Pray that God blesses you and brings your family back together this year in Texas. I will make it my goal to stop and see the beauty in the world around me. Thank you so much for your journal today.

At 1:22 PM , Blogger Jenny said...

I see beauty in how you love your Ashley, Blake, and Allie!! You are a wonderful mom and you inspire me!

(as far as the tooth pulling...the beauty will be there when it's all healed up and the pain it once caused you is GONE!!)

Thanks for your reminder to look for the beauty in everyday life!

At 2:22 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I see beauty in getting A tooth pulled--- as I not only have 1 but 2 that get to get pulled by IV sedation next week due to the aftermath of chemo and radiation I went thru a year ago. Just think, it's over and you are on the road to recovery...I still have to wait and worry for days! If you can look at it that way, you are much luckier that me!!! (smile) But hey, I tell myself that beauty arises out of even the worst situations, pain is forgotten after everything is over and we are renewed in our hearts with just the tiniest things! Praise God that you have a TON of things to remind you of the beauty around, the beauty that God has made!

I hope this finds not only you but Ash getting better by the minute, awaiting more beautiful things to come! Even through all of it, we are so blessed!!!

At 8:29 AM , Blogger Renee said...

Well the only beauty I could think of in having a tooth extracted is AFTER the PAIN stops! lol. I pray for you to heal quickly.

Thank you very much for YOUR prayers Trish! You are such a sweet person.

As always, I continue to pray for your entire family and all the children in PICU.
May God Bless you.


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