Ashley's Story

She will leave fingerprints all over your heart


Her Favorite Color...

...must be red. I had secretly (OK, maybe not so secretly) hoped it would be pink, but she is going to great lengths to prove to me it is red. I tiptoed out of the room to take a shower this morning and when I came back she had painted herself and her nice clean bedding with red blood clots. They were the biggest I had ever seen. She was laying in an inch of blood and had torn off her ostomy bag to show me the clot she had just passed. Now I realize this is not for the faint of heart, but I almost fainted. I could feel myself getting hot and dizzy and wanting to fall to the floor. The clot was as big as my hand and very, very thick. I have no idea how it came out of her stoma, but it did. So as I am cleaning this mess and trying to determine just where all this blood came from I got a bright idea. What if this had been the problem all along? Now it is resolved and perhaps we can be on our way home? What if? Maybe she just needed some time to get rid of all that blood. Maybe the blood clot made her sick and caused her bowel to stop up and slow down. Maybe?

I decided to pose my theory during rounds and I was met with a look that said, "Are you crazy?" "No, I'm not crazy," is what I wanted to say, but instead I just told the doctor, "Maybe this will help her feel better now." He nodded and said we will just wait and see what the biopsy results from tomorrow will show. So now I find myself waiting (not too patiently I might add) for Tuesday morning rounds so I will know if this clot thing fixed all if this. At least I'm hopeful and thats better than being depressed.

The Tarheels are currently leading 3-2 in the 6th inning of a very tough game this morning. Time is expired and we need one more out to win. They won their second last night 17-6, and must win this one to continue playing today. Blake is catching and doing a great job. My mother in law is trying her best to give me the play by play. I am so thankful for cell phones! That is the only way I got to be a part of Blake's season last fall and it looks like it is happening again. Go Tarheels!

Ash is settling in for a nap and I am settling back in to my book for the day. Hope you all have a blessed day. Trish


At 11:41 AM , Blogger Cristy said...

How very scary! I cannot imagine your bravery in the face of all those blood clots from your daughter's body!

I will believe with you that this will be the turn around we have been praying for and sweet Ashley will begin a rapid improvement today!

Oh, and Go Tarheels! :)

At 12:05 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have been following Ash's story for awhile now! It is so inspiring how strong you have remained through all of this! I guess when confronted with a challenge such as this, you have no other choice but to stay strong and keep hope alive, mainly for the sake of Ashley.

I am hoping and hoping your theory about the blood clot she passed is right,so she can start feeling better, and you two can get out of there! Sleep in your own beds!

Thinking about you!

At 12:10 PM , Blogger Unknown said...

I'm with you Trish, maybe this is what needed to pass. I'll be praying for it. I think doctors need to have some faith, miracles do come from God. Have a great day.

At 12:15 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow! That's amazing! Did they have any theories as to how long it had been sitting in there? Since she's pulled her ostomy bag on and off, it's likely not just something that recently developed right there around the site at an almost surface level, huh? That would just be amazing if it was a big part of what's been ailing her!

I realized after I left the other day that I should've offered to "donate" some of our online viewable Netflix hours to you! You could watch movies on your laptop... though it might require you to move office equipment to your spacious living room! ;-)

Keep us posted if anything big happens! The fact that she's resting is great!


At 12:25 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yikes!!! They would have had to pick me up off the floor!!! I don't post often but I do check in regularly. I was thinking, as I am sure everyone else is, what else we could do to help. As a Mom I am a fixer and a doer. I pray for Ash and your family several times daily, but I want to DO more. I think a lot of us would feel better if you would let us DO something more to sending you a new book to read or a special treat or a gift certificate to a near-by restaurant so you could have some REAL food. Would you (or Dave if you read this) please, pretty please post a list of "little" favors we could do for you to make your being away from home a little bit easier. We already have the address from a previous post and I am sure you are getting some things, please allow us to get you what you would really use/need.
You are in my thoughts and prayers. Kori

At 12:35 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Praying for you and Ashley and the rest of your family today, Trish... and I so hope that your 'theory' is right and Ashley will recover quickly now and the two of you can head home! :) God Bless.

At 12:54 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

up early this morning for church after my late-night/early morning reading....i also wanted to tell you that i've decided that your daughter has YOUR determination and fiestiness - God connected you two knowing that her stubbornness would inspire you to keep going and your perseverance and determination would help her. (i live in richardson and work with youth at our church as well as subbing in our child development center. if your kids and hubby ever need a place to stay or a hot meal while here on sports trips, feel free to let me know. my free time is spent visiting my toddler grandchildren in albuquerque and austin). i prayed for ashley today and hoped you both had a restful night. and yes, post a list of little favors! praying for good news this

At 1:24 PM , Blogger Holly said...

In church this morning, I helped with the k-5th graders. Guess who was in the class? Ashley Adams. Ashley is in 2nd grade. I asked her to pray for another Ashley Adams...and she smiled and said she'd love to.

Praying for your Hope to bring much healing!
Love in Jesus,

At 1:45 PM , Blogger Tamara said...

I am afraid I would probably have added vomit to the clean up list! WOW! That is one large clot! I will be praying the blood clot had EVERYTHING to do with all of this and it is over and you can get to go home! I know you are stressed...what's funny (in a weird way, not necessarily haha) I get stressed for you and wish I could be there to help you and YOU DON"T EVEN KNOW ME! Silly, I know but you guys are precious!!! Will continue to pray!!!

At 1:54 PM , Blogger Elizabeth S said...

Oh my goodness! That must have been terrifying! I will pray that this fixed whatever was making her sick, and I am still praying for protection for your family while you are apart.

At 1:55 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...


I just got home from church and had to check on Ashley and you. I did not sleep even 5 minutes all last night! I tossed and turned all night and could not stop praying for Ashley. I almost came down to get on my computer and type you a message that I felt the Lord had given me, but you know how you just shrink back from sharing things like that. As I was praying for her healing, the Lord said, the healing has ALREADY TAKEN PLACE. I then knew that it was just going to take time for it to show up in her body as an outward manifestation of that healing!!! I do not doubt for one second that you will get a PRAISE REPORT on Tuesday!

Now, for something personal I would like to share. I was diagnosed with breast cancer 2 months ago and have had a lumpectomy and they removed the tumor. I will be doing chemo in a couple of weeks. The Lord gave me this through a daily devotional I get daily and it spoke to my heart so much. I wanted to share it with you Trish!

"I say that I have faith. But do I really? Am I willing to step out in thin air and know that God will be there to catch me.
Every time you venture out in the LIFE OF FAITH, you will find something in your COMMON-SENSE circumstances that FLATLY CONTRADICTS your faith! COMMON SENSE IS NOT FAITH!!!!! And Faith is NOT common sense! They stand in the relation to the NATURAL and the SPIRITUAL. Can you trust Jesus Christ where your common sense cannot trust Him? Can you venture heroically on Jesus Christ's statements when the FACTS of your common-sense life shout- "IT'S A LIE?" On the mount it is easy to say "Oh yes, I believe God can do it!" but you have to come down into the demon-possessed valley and MMET WITH FACTS (the doctors or reports) that LAUGH IRONICALLY at the whole of your mount-of-transfiguration belief. Every time my programme of belief is clear to my OWN MIND, I come across something that CONTRADICTS IT! Let me say I believe God will supply my need or situtation, and then let me run dry, with no outlook and see whether I will go through the trial of faith, or whether I will sink back to something lower.
Faith MUST BE TESTED, because that is when it is turned into a personal possession through the conflict. What is your faith up against right now? The test will either prove that your faith is RIGHT, or it will kill you. The final confidence is in Jesus! Believe steadfastly on Him and all you come up against to develop your faith. There is a continual testing in the life of faith, and the last great test is death. May God keep us fighting the test. Faith is unutterable trust in God, trust which never dreams that He will not stand by us.

Keep believing Trish!!!!!! I know that was so long, but I just had to share it with you. I pray it ministers to you, like it did to me. So much that I read "common sense" about breast cancer contradicted what I believed in my heart about My GOD!

Cheryl Jones

At 2:21 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Praising God the clot came out on its own. And praying He continues to give you and Ashley strength.
-Cari in Arkansas

At 2:39 PM , Blogger Julie said...

I like your theory. Doctors don't know everything, actually if they are honest they know very little. Most of the time they are just guessing.

However, we know how many prayers have been going up for sweet Ashely. I would not be at all surprised if your theory is correct.


At 2:40 PM , Blogger Amy T said...

Wow! What a greeting she gave you, huh? I second (or third or whatever) the request for you to list some things you need or would like. I see from your posts that you love to read. I do too. If you would post your favorite authors, I would love to send you some stuff you haven't read. Or if you've heard of a book you haven't read, I'd love to send it to you. Just let us know, ok? Allow us to be blessed by reaching out to you in your time of need. Praying for an awesome report on Tuesday!

At 2:40 PM , Blogger Amy T said...

Oh! And way to go Tarheels!

At 2:54 PM , Blogger Carey said...

Oh how scary! Praying that doesnt happen again.
So what book are you reading? Anything good?

At 2:59 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hoping you're right about the blood clot! Praying you will get to go home soon, but if not, that your spirits will be just as hopeful as Ashley progresses in her healing.

At 3:19 PM , Blogger Sunshine said...

I will be praying for the scope. As I drifted off to sleep last night Ashley and you were on my heart. I have become so accustomed to checking in on Ashley that sometimes I forget that I do not actually "know" you. God has definetly called people to stand with, pray for, and lift you guys up on days/nights when you need it! I just wanted to let you know that we appreciate this journal, we adore you and your family, and we are on our knees for Ashley! Much love from our family to yours! Sunshine

At 3:29 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Something else I thought of last night was, I know you have expressed how hard it is for you not to tuck your children into bed and say prayers with them and that this is your favorite part of the day. Would you care if we got you a Webcam? Would it work in Ashley's room? You hook it right up to your computer and if you have one on your home computer too, then you can have a set time each evening to turn it on and you will be able to visibly see your children and they can see their mommy and you can say your prayers together and talk about your day face to face via webcam.
I would be happy to send you one. Let me know. It would be such a blessing to do this for your family.
Cheryl Jones

At 3:46 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Trish and Dave,
I just stumbled upon your sweet Ashley's blog, and have spent the past few hours reading through all of it. You are an incredible couple. I have no idea why our Father has sent me here, but I don't believe for a second that it was just by chance. Perhaps Ashley needs one more prayer warrior, and I can be that for her. My prayers will be as ongoing conversation with God, without a beginning and without an end. Thank you for sharing your family's story.
Jill in PA

At 4:39 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow, you are pretty tuff! And so is Ashley, you do what you have to do, wow! I have so enjoyed reading your blog and praying for Ashley and your family, through the good times and the hard times. I feel very blessed to be a small part of such a big God thing.

At 4:53 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

EWWW!!! As gross and scary as that must have been, it had to be good for her body to rid itself of so many clots! I'll pray and hope with you that this will be a HUGE blessing for her little body.

At 4:59 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

And I LOVE Cheryl's idea of a webcam at home and at the hospital!! What an incredible blessing that would be for now and other hospital trips that may happen in the future.

At 5:48 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Fear not Trish... I think she got rid of that ugly red clot so there is more room for sweet PINK in her life!
You know your girl, she can do it!
We are ALL in love with her.
Prayers and blessings for you and your family,

At 5:54 PM , Blogger Laurie in Ca. said...

Go Ashley, it almost makes me faint reading it but maybe you used the clot as "WAR PAINT" to show you are a little fighter and will not quit!:)
Trish, You are two peas in a pod, getting this strength to fight each new day from the Lord. I totally agree with you that this clot had to be clogging something up from the size of it. Praying that the Great Physician is showing these doctors that He is in charge of her body. I sure hope she is resting peacefully and that you are too. I agree with everyone about your "wish List" of things that would make your stay more comfortable. And I am so thankful that you chose to be hopeful and not depressed. Hope is so good. I hope results will be amazing and they tell you tomorrow, not Tuesday.
Bless you and Ashley and your entire family at home with Peace.
Prayers continue, Laurie in Ca.

At 6:07 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Trish, the webcam idea sounds like a great idea. I am so thankful for you that God's family is able to reach out to another member of the family and help out.And who knows? Maybe the whole problem really was that big 'ol nasty bloodclot? Judy

At 7:17 PM , Blogger Keri said...

Oh, what a horrible scene for you to walk on to! I'm so glad it was nothing traumatic, but gosh, how awful that must have been!

I'll be praying for this to be a turning point -- no matter WHAT the doctors say!

And I'm glad you all have gotten some sleep. So nice that the Benadryl worked "double duty" for Ashley!

At 8:20 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Trish, you are so amazing and you put a huge smile on my face because that is exactly what I would be thinking!! I would look at this scary huge thing and say oh so you have been the problem!! :0) Now we can move on.
I love you and your mommys heart. You and your dear family are in my prayers at all times.

At 8:43 PM , Blogger DandelionSeeds said...


At 9:06 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

ok, so now, i've gone back and filled in the spots i skipped because i was SO anxious each time ashley slipped.....i love the way you include blake and allison's feelings and activities. don't ever for a minute think you have neglected them. they are SO loved and KNOW and FEEL it. and you have given them this wonderful account of a very special time in their young lives. oh, my, you are all so blessed. prayers for a restful night for all. jan431


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