Ashley's Story

She will leave fingerprints all over your heart


Too Big for a Band aid

Ash is bleeding. A LOT. She hasn't stopped bleeding since the procedure this afternoon. She is having no stool output. Only blood. It is very, very scary as I empty hundreds of ccs of blood from her ostomy bag. It won't stop flowing. I don't know what is going on. Thankfully she sleeps through it all . We are looking for answers, checking her clotting factors and labs, but at this rate we could transfuse all night and just break even. She has some very large blood clots coming through as well, but nothing as large as yesterdays. We are all a little stunned by the amounts of blood coming out of this baby. I think I'm in over my head because my expertise ends at putting a band aid on the children and this problem is too big for a band aid. What is happening? It feels as though our "normalcy" has slipped through my fingers and now we can't get it back.

My heart hurts for Ashley Kate and all she endures. She is sweet, and beautiful, and strong, and amazing, and innocent. I love her so much and I am helpless. Nothing I can do will ever fix her broken body. All I can do is hold her and tell her how very much she is loved. What precious days these are with my youngest daughter. She is especially cuddly and wants to be close to me. I love rocking her and looking at every detail of her tiny face. I love her. I love her spirit. I can see it hiding in those eyes. She wants to feel better. My sweet, sweet baby girl we are trying to get you back home. When you are in a safe place we will go there. I promise.

Praying for a band aid, for an answer, for a solution.

Update 6:30a.m. -
We have just completed another blood transfusion. She continues to lose blood at a very fast pace. She has had blood pumped into her the entire night(literally). We are going to wait 30 minutes and draw another set of labs to see where we are before deciding on another transfusion. She is losing about 1 gram every 2 hours. If it continues for 24 hours then they may decide to do something to try and stop it. Over the last 8 hours she has lost 644ccs of blood. No stool, only blood. It is very clear that she is bleeding inside the bowel but no one knows why. She has slept through most of the night even though she has had her blood pressure and temp taken every 30 minutes for the last 12 hours. She is exhausted and weak and puts up very little fight, but as always I see her spirit hiding in those eyes and she is asking for my help. We will not know much more until after 7:30 when her labs come back. They have been in contact with the fellow all through the night, but I will feel better once her team is here to assess her.


At 1:21 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm so sorry. I am praying. You have both been through so much. I pray for healing, for normal, for answers. For strength.
"Lord, this precious child is here by Your design. You are the Sovereign Creator Who loves her best and knows her best. What is it, Lord? Please, we pray for wisdom, as You instruct us to in Proverbs 2. We incline our ears to Your wisdom, and we seek to apply our hearts to understanding. For You give wisdom; from Your Mouth come knowledge and understanding;You store up wisdom for the upright; You are a shield to those who walk uprightly.
Lord, she is fearfully and wonderfully made. We know that You will neither slumber nor sleep. Lord, we ask for your answers, for your distinct revealing to those who are treating this baby. For your healing touch, as the woman with the flow of blood for so many years touched your garment and was whole. Lord, may Your garment sweep across little Ashley. Lord, heal her, please heal her. Give her mom and dad and loving siblings and grandparents and devoted attendants Your strength. Help every professional who comes near this child to be Your vessel of love and healing to her. Protect her from anyone who wouldn't care enough.
Lord, You can do this. We have no doubt. Please, we pray, if it's in Your blessed will, stop the flow, heal this child, and, in whatever You do, be glorified. In the name of Jesus. Amen."
Love you, Trish. Praying.

At 2:01 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Parying for the flow of blood to stop~~Praying for all the medical staff who attend her, for wisdom in all that they do~~Praying for this loving, devoted Mommy who feels so helpless in this situation. Praying that Your mercy, peace and grace would be shown and that that prayers of many will be heard.

At 2:18 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Praying, praying, praying.

At 3:27 AM , Blogger Kristi said...

As I sit here all night with two of my daughters going through a stomach virus, I think of you cna can't imagine going through this every night, plus some. I pray that you will be granted peace through this, as well as energy. You must be so near a breaking point with the small amount of sleep you are getting. From one mom to another, know that you are being thought of and prayed for here in the Dallas, TX area.

At 4:33 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi-I was introduced to Ashley's life on myspace-that she was very ill and needed prayers. I have come to know Ashley and you, her family through this amazing journal of her life full of faith, prayers, and most of all LOVE. I am so glad that the Good Lord placed this sweet, precious baby in your arms and lives because she deserved it. She has the best-a family that puts their faith in God! She's already safe and taken care of. I am deeply touched by Ashley-she is so precious. I pray for her, you, and all of her family, and you are in my prayers/thoughts always. She is a beautiful baby girl with a beautiful family, and she has all that she needs-Thanks be to God. I pray that you overcome this hurdle and the bleeding stops and healing begins. I pray hard in Jesus's name-Amen.
Amanda-Myrtle Beach, SC

At 6:00 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Praying for Ashley and all of your family today, Trish.... Hoping today will bring encouragement and healing and many blessings, and knowing that whatever it may hold, you and Ashley will be held in the Everlasting Arms. God Bless. We love you.

At 6:35 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

We are with you even though at times you may feel alone. We pray we pray we pray.

At 6:43 AM , Blogger Carey said...

I am praying for your little Ashley. And her team of Drs. May they find the answers you all so desperately need. Praying hard for the blood to stop, and her organs to produce what they need to.

At 6:48 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh, my goodness. You must be in agony. It has been hours since you posted and I hope that the bleeding has stopped. What in the world?? Praying for Ashley and your family today. What is God going to do in all of this? I pray for His mercy and healing for a tiny girl that has captured our hearts...Colleen

At 7:01 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am praying and will continue praying for all of you all day.


At 7:20 AM , Blogger Dawn said...

I don't know what else to say, so please know that I am praying for all of you. I find you guys in my thoughts constantly throughout each day and each time I take a minute to stop and pray. Know that you are being covered in showers of prayer.

At 7:23 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

We are praying for you all! Thanks for the updates. We'll pray the bleeding stops soon.

Love and hugs to you!

At 7:24 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lord, please stop the bleeding. Give the doctors wisdom to know exactly the best way to handle this. Give Trish peace, and may she feel your arms around her, comforting her, and giving her strength. Please heal precious Ashley. Give them the strength and grace they need to make it through this day, and may they never question your hand, but trust your heart.

At 7:24 AM , Blogger Fiffer said...

Oh my goodness. Just when things start to look like they are progressing...I just don't know what to say. But I just want you to know I am praying often today and I wish I could be there with you. I hate that you have to be going through these hard times alone. I pray that in your loneliest moments you clearly feel our Lord's presence. I am SO thankful that you are able to be there with her every minute of the day. What a blessing. You are such a wonderful mother. My love & prayers for all of you remain strong! Martha

At 7:26 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Praying constantly for your sweet girl!!!
I am so sorry for all that you are going through.

At 7:27 AM , Blogger Sarah said...

Trish, I am so sorry to hear about the bleeding! It's almost 7:30 right now, and I'm praying for you as you wait for some answers. I wish I could do something tangible for you, so I'll just keep on praying fervently for you and Ashley.

At 7:53 AM , Blogger Laurie in Ca. said...

Praying so hard this morning for much needed answers to come quickly. Asking Him to take your helpless feelings and give you His peace that passes all understanding, His assurance that He is in control of everything going on in her little body. And you ARE helping her so much Trish. Each time she opens her eyes, she sees you faithfully keeping watch over her with love. Through the sea of faces she sees every hour, yours is the one that lets her know she is loved and not abandoned. Keep HOPE alive in your heart and we will all trust for answers and good results this morning. Hold on Trish, help is on the way.
Laurie in Ca.

At 7:54 AM , Blogger Elizabeth S said...

I can't imagine how frightening that must be. I will be praying until I hear something.

At 7:59 AM , Blogger Sheila Lackey said...

I know the bleeding has taken you by surprise, but it has not taken God by surprise. He is still on throne and Jesus is still interceeding on Ashley's behalf.
Still praying in Alabama

At 8:05 AM , Blogger Given Grace said...

Praying, praying, praying.

At 8:09 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

While I pray for the bleeding to stop, I praise God that He gave Ashley rest through it all. I pray this morning answers will be given and a plan will be in action.
-Cari in Arkansas

At 8:11 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Still rpaying for you in PA. My prayers are that they will have answers for this unexplained bleeding and that she will recover from this setback quickly!

At 8:11 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am glad that Ash's is getting some rest and praying for the bleeding to stop. Chan

At 8:12 AM , Blogger KM said...

Praying, praying, praying.

At 8:21 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Trish,

It is NOT slipping away, the problem is just revealing itself. This happens, and please do not think it stymies the docs. Once our little one went through the same thing -- our very nice resident was actually SQUEEZING the bag of blood in because it was coming out so fast. They are not shocked by anything. They have learned through the years, and that's how they are able to keep up with her. She is exhausted, yes, but she is herself. That is such a huge indicator. Be comforted by that. Get some rest when you can. (Watch the Diet Coke intake!)

Remember, a bite at a time.

At 8:22 AM , Blogger cindy/barron said...

praying praying praying

At 8:28 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh, no, Trish! I was just coming back to thank you for posting the adorable video (saw it last night - didn't get to post) and say that I'm so happy she likes her book... and am surprised that you had a rough night.

I know crisis is almost routine, but it sounds like this is something you've not really experienced quite like this before, and that's got to be unnerving. As another commenter said... this really may just be the problem revealing itself, and it may help further identify the root of all this. I do hope that's the case, and it actually speeds up the process for her.

All the twists and turns that follow kids and health issues are a roller coaster ride nobody should have to take, huh? But... it's been one long opportunity for her to come to know how much she's loved, and there is a blessing in that.

Do please update as soon as you can. I'll continue to pray for her!


At 8:39 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...


I am finding your sweet baby on my heart all the time. Just know that I am praying for you.

And "Amen" to Dee Dee in NC's prayer.

Julie (friend of ManyBlessings)

At 8:40 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Praying for answers this morning and that you will be encouraged by the answers that you get from Ashley's team of doctors. Praying for you as you face this alone in Omaha. Praying for Dave as he is in Longview trying to hold things together here. Lord this dear sweet family needs a touch from you this morning. Heal this precious little girl as only You can!

At 8:41 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Praying for answers, praying for healing, praying for the medical staff, praying for you and your family........

At 8:44 AM , Blogger Gretchen said...

Trish, I am so sorry. I lift you both up, feeling helpless, and yet comforted only by the fact that she is His, and so are you. I'll be praying for His care for you all throughout the day. Peace, my dear friend. love, gretchen

At 8:50 AM , Blogger Holly said...

Lord, we cry out to you on Ashley's behalf. Please Lord give the doctors wisdom, discernment and understanding. Father I ask that you will heal Ashley. In Jesus' Name, Amen.

Trish, Praying for your day and asking the Lord to come and turn around and make the blood stop. Hold on to Him. Praying for your entire family.

At 8:51 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Still praying

At 8:56 AM , Blogger Troy and Melanie said...

Just want you to know that we are praying!

At 9:40 AM , Blogger Wendy said...

Oh Trish, What a roller coaster you are on - this is the first place I go to each morning to check on how things are going; and it sounds so scary. But, God is with you ... and so are THOUSANDS of people, praying for your sweet baby and for your family. Will be praying for the bleeding to stop and for the wisdom of the doctors, and for peace to surround you at a time when I am sure that panic seems more appropriate.


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